settlers of catan

Settlers of Catan Player Receives Passive-Aggressive ‘Longest Turn’ CardSettlers of Catan Player Receives Passive-Aggressive ‘Longest Turn’ Card

Settlers of Catan Player Receives Passive-Aggressive ‘Longest Turn’ Card

BALTIMORE — After collecting seven resources off the roll, trading with two other players, then using twelve resources and a…

6 years ago
Quiz: Is He Really Committed or Does He Just Need a 4th For Catan?Quiz: Is He Really Committed or Does He Just Need a 4th For Catan?

Quiz: Is He Really Committed or Does He Just Need 4th For Catan?

So you’ve been dating your new prince charming for a while now, and you’re ready to take that next big…

6 years ago
Sheep Can’t Believe He’s Being Traded for Fucking WheatSheep Can’t Believe He’s Being Traded for Fucking Wheat

Sheep Can’t Believe He’s Being Traded for Fucking Wheat

CATAN — After intense trade negotiations concluded late Wednesday on the geographically diverse archipelago of Catan, a sheep belonging to…

7 years ago
Sony Approves Settlers of Catan Movie Budget of 8,000 Wood, 9,000 Sheep, 4,000 Ore, 5,000 Wheat, 9,000 BrickSony Approves Settlers of Catan Movie Budget of 8,000 Wood, 9,000 Sheep, 4,000 Ore, 5,000 Wheat, 9,000 Brick

Sony Approves Settlers of Catan Movie Budget of 8,000 Wood, 9,000 Sheep, 4,000 Ore, 5,000 Wheat, 9,000 Brick

LOS ANGELES — Sony has approved a substantial budget for the upcoming Settlers of Catan movie, after much deliberation over…

7 years ago