
I’m Willing to Abandon My Anti-War Views In Exchange for Gundam

I have staunch anti-war views, sure. I don’t think that’s unique among young people in America. In many ways I’m…

5 years ago

Opinion: I Love ‘Call of Duty’ But Am Very Glad That War Isn’t Real

I love a lot of games, but nothing is as close to my heart as the Call of Duty series.…

5 years ago

Opinion: Update My Software, You Lazy Piece of Shit

Hey you with the mac and cheese stains on their shirt. It’s time to close all those tabs you won’t…

6 years ago

OPINION: It’s Called Die

Hey wait a minute, why is this labelled as an opinion piece? It absolutely is called a die. This is…

6 years ago

Every Child Needs Strong Father Figure Who Can Protect Them With Their Big, Powerful Eggs

With the family dynamic becoming more fluid in recent years, it’s important that we take a step back and accept…

6 years ago

Opinion: It’s Time for Gamers to Unionize

There’s a real problem in the game industry. Since its inception, one underrepresented group of people has gradually become abused,…

6 years ago

Opinion: You’re Gatekeeping Wrong

I am so goddamn sick of seeing fake gatekeepers on the internet telling people they aren’t real fans of something,…

6 years ago

Opinion: It’s Time for Gamer President

Our country is in political turmoil as we look to our leaders and see no one who will rise up…

6 years ago

Opinion: Why Should I Reward Shitty Cosplay With Free Candy?

Cosplay is the artform of the people. With our own hands, we create movie-quality costumes that show off our creativity,…

6 years ago