
Microsoft Introduces Donnie and Luca, the Two Guys Who’ll Be Going Around Collecting Xbox PaymentsMicrosoft Introduces Donnie and Luca, the Two Guys Who’ll Be Going Around Collecting Xbox Payments

Microsoft Introduces Donnie and Luca, the Two Guys Who’ll Be Going Around Collecting Xbox Payments

REDMOND, Wash. — Microsoft revealed some further details about its new payment plans for its upcoming next generation consoles, introducing…

4 years ago
Opinion: It Is Literally Impossible for Me to Be the ImpostorOpinion: It Is Literally Impossible for Me to Be the Impostor

Opinion: It Is Literally Impossible for Me to Be the Impostor

Okay, first off, I don’t even know why we’re having this Emergency Meeting. Don’t get me wrong, Yellow’s death is…

4 years ago
Psychologists Warn 1 in 10 Crewmates Could Develop Impostor SyndromePsychologists Warn 1 in 10 Crewmates Could Develop Impostor Syndrome

Psychologists Warn 1 in 10 Crewmates Could Develop Impostor Syndrome

NEW YORK — Researchers at Columbia University have published a paper which warns that roughly 10% of all spaceship crewmates…

4 years ago
Opinion: You’re Fucking Mafia, DudeOpinion: You’re Fucking Mafia, Dude

Opinion: You’re Fucking Mafia, Dude

Listen, we’ve all gotten to know each other pretty well since college orientation started, and you seem like a really…

5 years ago
Humble Bundle Announces ‘Pretty Much Grand Theft Auto’ CollectionHumble Bundle Announces ‘Pretty Much Grand Theft Auto’ Collection

Humble Bundle Announces ‘Pretty Much Grand Theft Auto’ Collection

SAN FRANCISCO  —  Popular digital storefront Humble Bundle has revealed it’s latest collection of cultivated games available at a discounted…

6 years ago