Single D&D Session Gives New Player Confidence to Buy $50 Worth of AccessoriesSingle D&D Session Gives New Player Confidence to Buy $50 Worth of Accessories

Single D&D Session Gives New Player Confidence to Buy $50 Worth of Accessories

ATLANTA — New Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast Clarissa Elliotte reportedly bought $50 worth of accessories after playing her first session…

4 years ago
Dungeon Master Sneaks a Few Real Dice in With Those Sex OnesDungeon Master Sneaks a Few Real Dice in With Those Sex Ones

Dungeon Master Sneaks Few Real Dice in With Those Sex Ones

PITTSBURGH — A recent attempt at invigorating the intimacy of Dana Boyer’s relationship with an avid role-playing fanatic ended horribly…

5 years ago
Boyfriend Can’t Find the CritBoyfriend Can’t Find the Crit

Boyfriend Can’t Find the Crit

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Local woman Anita Harrison expressed disappointment during a game of Dungeons and Dragons when her boyfriend Steven…

5 years ago
Level 16 Warlock Still Can’t Identify a d8Level 16 Warlock Still Can’t Identify a d8

Level 16 Warlock Still Can’t Identify d8

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. —  Local gamer Steven Chen reportedly held up a d10 when asked to roll 8d8 necrotic damage, despite…

5 years ago
Angry D&D Player Throws Handful of Dice at DM for 8d6 Bludgeoning DamageAngry D&D Player Throws Handful of Dice at DM for 8d6 Bludgeoning Damage

Angry D&D Player Throws Handful of Dice at DM for 8d6 Bludgeoning Damage

RENTON, Wash. — Local dungeon master Sean Murdoch was rushed to the hospital yesterday evening, after his player and cousin…

5 years ago
D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg MachineD&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine

D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine

CHICAGO — Dungeons & Dragons player Joanna Bateman claimed her natural 20 should be recognized even though the die went…

5 years ago
OPINION: It’s Called a DieOPINION: It’s Called a Die

OPINION: It’s Called Die

Hey wait a minute, why is this labelled as an opinion piece? It absolutely is called a die. This is…

6 years ago
Incredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in a RowIncredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in a Row

Incredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in Row

LAKE GENEVA, Wisc. — The tenth session of a small Dungeons & Dragons game took a turn when Greg Atkinson,…

6 years ago
Outraged Battlefield Fans Demand Historically Accurate 64 vs 64 MatchesOutraged Battlefield Fans Demand Historically Accurate 64 vs 64 Matches

Outraged Battlefield Fans Demand Historically Accurate 64 vs 64 Matches

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — DICE horrified Battlefield fans yesterday when the debut trailer for the latest installment of its flagship franchise…

7 years ago