March 18, 2020 Therapist and Patient Spend Their First Few Sessions Making Character Sheets Therapist and Patient Spend Their First Few Sessions Making Character Sheets SAN FRANCISCO — Local tabletop gamer and new therapy patient Elliot Booker spent his first three sessions with Dr. Elijah Loudermilk adding his base stats,…
March 16, 2020 Level 16 Warlock Still Can’t Identify a d8 Level 16 Warlock Still Can’t Identify a d8 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Local gamer Steven Chen reportedly held up a d10 when asked to roll 8d8 necrotic damage, despite playing a level 16 warlock…
March 15, 2020 D&D Player Wears Wire to Game After Friends Insist They Won’t Start a Podcast D&D Player Wears Wire to Game After Friends Insist They Won’t Start a Podcast BROOKLYN — Local Dungeon Master Brian Goldberg’s most recent Dungeons and Dragons session ended in controversy yesterday, after the 26-year-old was caught wearing a wire…
March 11, 2020 Dungeon Master Finally Writes Perfect Campaign, Distributes Scripts to Players Dungeon Master Finally Writes Perfect Campaign, Distributes Scripts to Players COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Dungeon Master Daniel Hyde recently finished writing his ideal D&D campaign and released the final draft of its script to his…
March 9, 2020 Angry D&D Player Throws Handful of Dice at DM for 8d6 Bludgeoning Damage Angry D&D Player Throws Handful of Dice at DM for 8d6 Bludgeoning Damage RENTON, Wash. — Local dungeon master Sean Murdoch was rushed to the hospital yesterday evening, after his player and cousin Jonas Vandelay succeeded on a…
March 7, 2020 D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine CHICAGO — Dungeons & Dragons player Joanna Bateman claimed her natural 20 should be recognized even though the die went through a Rube Goldberg machine…
December 30, 2019 Noble Paladin With Lovingly Written 8-Page Backstory Dies Twenty Minutes Into Adventure Noble Paladin With Lovingly Written 8-Page Backstory Dies Twenty Minutes Into Adventure ST. PAUL, Minn. — First time Dungeons & Dragons player Craig Walcott was shocked when his Half-Elf Paladin, Sur Swenstance Silverheart III, Noble Son of…
December 17, 2019 Critical Role on Indefinite Hiatus After Matt Mercer Joins Thursday Night Intramural Team Critical Role on Indefinite Hiatus After Matt Mercer Joins Thursday Night Intramural Team LOS ANGELES — Matt Mercer, Dungeon Master and face of the hugely popular Critical Role series, announced today that the show would be on indefinite…
December 2, 2019 Players Argue There is No Rule in the Dungeon Master’s Guide That Says a Dog Can’t Play D&D Players Argue There is No Rule in the Dungeon Master’s Guide That Says a Dog Can’t Play D&D FERNFIELD, Wash. — Four Dungeons & Dragons players put their DM in a tough spot this past weekend when they decided to take on the…