
Dungeon Master Sneaks a Few Real Dice in With Those Sex OnesDungeon Master Sneaks a Few Real Dice in With Those Sex Ones

Dungeon Master Sneaks Few Real Dice in With Those Sex Ones

PITTSBURGH — A recent attempt at invigorating the intimacy of Dana Boyer’s relationship with an avid role-playing fanatic ended horribly…

5 years ago
Boyfriend Can’t Find the CritBoyfriend Can’t Find the Crit

Boyfriend Can’t Find the Crit

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Local woman Anita Harrison expressed disappointment during a game of Dungeons and Dragons when her boyfriend Steven…

5 years ago
D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg MachineD&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine

D&D Player Argues Their Roll Still Counts After Die Goes Through Rube Goldberg Machine

CHICAGO — Dungeons & Dragons player Joanna Bateman claimed her natural 20 should be recognized even though the die went…

5 years ago
Incredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in a RowIncredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in a Row

Incredibly Lucky D&D Player Skyping In Has Rolled 7 Nat 20s in Row

LAKE GENEVA, Wisc. — The tenth session of a small Dungeons & Dragons game took a turn when Greg Atkinson,…

6 years ago
Group Finally Schedules Conversation about How Much Fun It Would Be to Play D&D Some TimeGroup Finally Schedules Conversation about How Much Fun It Would Be to Play D&D Some Time

Group Finally Schedules Conversation about How Much Fun It Would Be to Play D&D Some Time

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — Zack Borman and a few of his friends were able to set aside a few hours, after…

7 years ago