
Powerful, Strategic Deck Decimated by Opponent’s ‘Have a Lot of Monsters’ StrategyPowerful, Strategic Deck Decimated by Opponent’s ‘Have a Lot of Monsters’ Strategy

Powerful, Strategic Deck Decimated by Opponent’s ‘Have Lot of Monsters’ Strategy

NASHVILLE — A weekly Magic: The Gathering tournament at local shop Boards & Swords featured a shocking first round upset,…

5 years ago
Wizards of the Coast Change ‘Magic: The Gathering’ to Just ‘Magic’ to Encourage Social DistancingWizards of the Coast Change ‘Magic: The Gathering’ to Just ‘Magic’ to Encourage Social Distancing

Wizards of the Coast Change ‘Magic: The Gathering’ to Just ‘Magic’ to Encourage Social Distancing

RENTON, Wash. — As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the nation, a spokesman for Wizards of the Coast announced today that…

5 years ago
Magic Player Has Disgusting Pack-a-Day HabitMagic Player Has Disgusting Pack-a-Day Habit

Magic Player Has Disgusting Pack-a-Day Habit

BEAVERTON, Ore. — Friends and family of Magic: The Gathering enthusiast Gabe Roberts have said that the once-casual player has…

5 years ago
Exhausted ‘Slay the Spire’ Fans Demand Developers Make Game Less FunExhausted ‘Slay the Spire’ Fans Demand Developers Make Game Less Fun

Exhausted ‘Slay the Spire’ Fans Demand Developers Make Game Less Fun

NEW YORK — Emphasizing the fact that they really ought to start playing some other games that they’ve been meaning…

5 years ago
Casual Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Held Up as Competitors Share Tragic BackstoriesCasual Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Held Up as Competitors Share Tragic Backstories

Casual Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Held Up as Competitors Share Tragic Backstories

FLUSHING, N.Y. — A Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament at local comic store Pages and Pieces was held up for several hours today…

5 years ago
‘Magic: The Gathering’ Anime to Be 12 Episodes of Nobody Having Enough Lands to Do Anything‘Magic: The Gathering’ Anime to Be 12 Episodes of Nobody Having Enough Lands to Do Anything

‘Magic: The Gathering’ Anime to Be 12 Episodes of Nobody Having Enough Lands to Do Anything

LOS ANGELES — Following the announcement of a new Magic: The Gathering animated series to release on Netflix, directors Joe…

6 years ago
Father Briefly Proud When Son Tells Him He’s Getting Into Deck BuildingFather Briefly Proud When Son Tells Him He’s Getting Into Deck Building

Father Briefly Proud When Son Tells Him He’s Getting Into Deck Building

INVERNESS, Colo. —  Feelings of pride and unity briefly filled the home of the Grantham family yesterday, following a misunderstanding…

6 years ago
Recently Divorced Man Flicks Metaphorical Cigarette into Gasoline by Buying Magic the Gathering Starter PackRecently Divorced Man Flicks Metaphorical Cigarette into Gasoline by Buying Magic the Gathering Starter Pack

Recently Divorced Man Flicks Metaphorical Cigarette into Gasoline by Buying Magic the Gathering Starter Pack

NANTICOKE, Pa. — After going through an arduous divorce, horrified witnesses reported that local resident Andrew Stone said “fuck it”…

7 years ago
6 Years Ago I Decided to Invest in Either Bitcoin or Magic Cards and Now I’m Looking to Sell My Deck6 Years Ago I Decided to Invest in Either Bitcoin or Magic Cards and Now I’m Looking to Sell My Deck

6 Years Ago I Decided to Invest in Either Bitcoin or Magic Cards and Now I’m Looking to Sell My Deck

As you have no doubt heard by now, Bitcoin prices are soaring up to $18,000, making many early adopters very,…

7 years ago