stephen king

Local Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids FailLocal Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids Fail

Local Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids Fail

PAXTON, Mass. — The failure of a precocious gang of tween misfits to vanquish a cosmic evil known as Hy’groth…

5 years ago
Dark Tower Multiverse Technically Allows for World Where Film Adaptation Is GoodDark Tower Multiverse Technically Allows for World Where Film Adaptation Is Good

Dark Tower Multiverse Technically Allows for World Where Film Adaptation Is Good

OXFORD, England — Devoted fans of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series have hypothesized that the multiverse contained in the…

5 years ago
Stephen King Bangs Out ‘The Winds of Winter’ on a Tuesday for Shits and GigglesStephen King Bangs Out ‘The Winds of Winter’ on a Tuesday for Shits and Giggles

Stephen King Bangs Out ‘The Winds of Winter’ on Tuesday for Shits and Giggles

BANGOR, Maine —  Prolific horror writer Stephen King reportedly penned the long-anticipated sixth book in George R. R. Martin’s A…

5 years ago