
Dying Soldier Happy He Still Got Assist

URZIKSTAN — Coalition forces suffered heavy losses in a battle against local insurgent militias today, with SAS close-quarter combat specialist…

5 years ago

Father Surprises Son at School After Playing ‘Call of Duty’ for 12 Months Straight

ST. LOUIS — After doing nothing but playing the video game Call of Duty for the past 12 months, local…

6 years ago

Grandpa Still Haunted by Triple Kill He Got in Korea

NEW BRIDGE, N.J. — Veteran Alex Gresham made it obviously clear to his family that he was not over his…

8 years ago

Military Tribunal Formally Reprimands Soldier for Teabagging 15 Enemy Combatants

THE HAUGE, Netherlands — In a closed-door trial, military leaders leveled punishment against Sgt. Paul Jackson (aka UberDomed2005) for war…

8 years ago