April 10, 2020 Proto Man Reveals That, While Arm Cannon Nice, He Would Give Anything to Have Left Hand Back Proto Man Reveals That, While Arm Cannon Nice, He Would Give Anything to Have Left Hand Back DR. LIGHT’S LAB — Saying he feels blessed at the technology yet wistful for his bygone appendage, local robot hero Proto Man revealed today that,…
April 8, 2020 Video Game for Gamers by Gamers Video Game for Gamers by Gamers LOS ANGELES — A new video game is in production by a group of gamers and is intended to appeal to other gamers, according to…
August 19, 2018 Mega Man Gains Herpes Ability After Defeating Florida Man Mega Man Gains Herpes Ability After Defeating Florida Man MONSTEROPOLIS, Fla. — A routine extermination of a rogue android known as Florida Man took an unexpected turn yesterday when super fighting robot Mega Man…
October 12, 2017 Study Finds 80% of NES Characters Believe Earth is Flat, Only Moves to the Right Study Finds 80% of NES Characters Believe Earth is Flat, Only Moves to the Right BERKELEY, Calif. — A controversial U.C. Berkeley study found that 80% of classic Nintendo characters believe that the Earth is flat, and also only moves…
August 6, 2017 Mega Man Forced to Absorb Power of Squirrel He Ran Over Mega Man Forced to Absorb Power of Squirrel He Ran Over RIDGEWOOD, N.J. — Mega Man was interrupted during routine weekend errands when his van hit and killed a squirrel that had wandered into the parking…