
God Uses McRib to Create Female Companion for Ronald McDonald

WALLA WALLA, Wash. — Patrons at a local McDonalds restaurant were caught off guard earlier this week as God, alleged…

4 years ago

Marvel Announces ‘Dazzler’ Series Streaming Exclusively on McDonald’s Ordering Kiosks

LOS ANGELES — On the heels of well-received launches of Marvel shows on Netflix, Hulu and Freeform, Marvel revealed it…

7 years ago

Man Grinding Out McDonald’s Shifts to Afford Cool New Sword

JOPLIN, Miss. — Weapons aficionado Douglas Han has begun taking extra shifts at his fast food job to acquire what…

7 years ago

Get Excited, ‘Rick & Morty’ Fans: Honda to Re-Release Beth’s 2009 Honda Civic

LOS ANGELES — Honda agreed to a limited re-release of character Beth Smith’s 2009 Honda Civic as seen in episode…

7 years ago