
Miniboss Laying It on a Little Thick With Pre-Battle SpeechMiniboss Laying It on a Little Thick With Pre-Battle Speech

Miniboss Laying It on Little Thick With Pre-Battle Speech

REALM OF DISDAIN — Shortly before losing a recent battle with an adventurer, local mid-level demon Ulgruuf the Unyielding reportedly…

4 years ago
Game’s Lore Goes to Painstaking Lengths to Explain Why Bad Guys Have Glowing Red EyesGame’s Lore Goes to Painstaking Lengths to Explain Why Bad Guys Have Glowing Red Eyes

Game’s Lore Goes to Painstaking Lengths to Explain Why Bad Guys Have Glowing Red Eyes

CLEVELAND — Noting that he would’ve accepted the detail at face value without an explanation, local gamer Thomas Windermere told…

5 years ago
Early-Level Boss Picks up Extra Shift as Mid-Game EnemyEarly-Level Boss Picks up Extra Shift as Mid-Game Enemy

Early-Level Boss Picks up Extra Shift as Mid-Game Enemy

LORDRAN  — The Capra Demon, a challenging boss of the early Lower Undead Burg area in Dark Souls, has been…

5 years ago
Larger Thug Feels Pressure to Take On Leadership PositionLarger Thug Feels Pressure to Take On Leadership Position

Larger Thug Feels Pressure to Take On Leadership Position

RIVER CITY— Local gangster Antonio Russo continues to work a low level thug position despite pressures from higher ranking goons…

5 years ago