Elizabeth Warren

CNN Political Analysts Explain First Is the Worst, Second Is the Best, Third Is the One With the Hairy ChestCNN Political Analysts Explain First Is the Worst, Second Is the Best, Third Is the One With the Hairy Chest

CNN Political Analysts Explain First Is the Worst, Second Is the Best, Third Is the One With the Hairy Chest

NEW YORK — Political analysts sitting around the CNN roundtable explained to viewers today after the decisive New Hampshire primary…

5 years ago
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Practice Fusion Dance For Hours in Attempt to Merge Into Ideal CandidateElizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Practice Fusion Dance For Hours in Attempt to Merge Into Ideal Candidate

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Practice Fusion Dance For Hours in Attempt to Merge Into Ideal Candidate

KAMI’S LOOKOUT — Sweating and breathing heavily from their strenuous efforts, sources confirmed Wednesday that Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator…

6 years ago