
Local Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids FailLocal Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids Fail

Local Police Forced to Stop Supernatural Evil Plaguing Town After Neighborhood Kids Fail

PAXTON, Mass. — The failure of a precocious gang of tween misfits to vanquish a cosmic evil known as Hy’groth…

5 years ago
Haunted GameStop Found to be Built Atop Ancient Atari E.T. Game Burial GroundsHaunted GameStop Found to be Built Atop Ancient Atari E.T. Game Burial Grounds

Haunted GameStop Found to be Built Atop Ancient Atari E.T. Game Burial Grounds

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. — A recently opened GameStop experiencing a rash of paranormal phenomena was discovered to be built atop the…

7 years ago