donkey kong

Opinion: We Must Redistribute the Banana Wealth in This Donkey Kong CountryOpinion: We Must Redistribute the Banana Wealth in This Donkey Kong Country

Opinion: We Must Redistribute the Banana Wealth in This Donkey Kong Country

Fellow citizens, let me ask you a question: how many bananas do you have in your possession right now? Do…

4 years ago
U.S. Announces Plan to Withdraw All Troops from Donkey Kong Country by ChristmasU.S. Announces Plan to Withdraw All Troops from Donkey Kong Country by Christmas

U.S. Announces Plan to Withdraw All Troops from Donkey Kong Country by Christmas

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump took to Twitter last night to announce that all American forces currently serving overseas in…

4 years ago
Man Tasked With Making Score for a Monkey Riding a Swordfish Underwater Creates Transcendent Piece of MusicMan Tasked With Making Score for a Monkey Riding a Swordfish Underwater Creates Transcendent Piece of Music

Man Tasked With Making Score for Monkey Riding a Swordfish Underwater Creates Transcendent Piece of Music

COALVILLE, U.K. —  Donkey Kong Country’s recent addition to the Nintendo Switch Online SNES collection has fans and audiophiles alike…

5 years ago
Price of Barrel With Diddy Kong Stuffed Inside Reaches All Time LowPrice of Barrel With Diddy Kong Stuffed Inside Reaches All Time Low

Price of Barrel With Diddy Kong Stuffed Inside Reaches All Time Low

DONKEY KONG ISLAND — The price of a wooden barrel containing Diddy Kong, beloved friend and sidekick of Donkey Kong,…

5 years ago
Study: 85% of Christians Still Do Not Believe Humans Evolved From Donkey KongStudy: 85% of Christians Still Do Not Believe Humans Evolved From Donkey Kong

Study: 85% of Christians Still Do Not Believe Humans Evolved From Donkey Kong

WASHINGTON — According to a nationwide survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, an overwhelming 85% of Christians do not…

5 years ago
Gamers Furious as Arcade Machine Introduces 25 Cent MicrotransactionsGamers Furious as Arcade Machine Introduces 25 Cent Microtransactions

Gamers Furious as Arcade Machine Introduces 25 Cent Microtransactions

PHOENIX —  Anger erupted among several gamers after a local arcade machine suddenly began charging unsuspecting players 25 cents to…

7 years ago