cease and desist

Exhausted Fan Game Developer Prays Nintendo Sends Cease and Desist SoonExhausted Fan Game Developer Prays Nintendo Sends Cease and Desist Soon

Exhausted Fan Game Developer Prays Nintendo Sends Cease and Desist Soon

LOS ANGELES — Paul Moreno, the lone developer for a dating simulator game based on Nintendo’s popular Zelda franchise, once…

4 years ago
Nintendo Serves Cease and Desist to Your Friend Who Pronounces It “May-Rio”Nintendo Serves Cease and Desist to Your Friend Who Pronounces It “May-Rio”

Nintendo Serves Cease and Desist to Your Friend Who Pronounces It “May-Rio”

REDMOND. Wash. — Nintendo has continued its brazen litigious patterns of late, issuing a cease and desist order to your…

4 years ago
Nintendo Sends DMCA Takedown to Man’s Arm for Triforce TattooNintendo Sends DMCA Takedown to Man’s Arm for Triforce Tattoo

Nintendo Sends DMCA Takedown to Man’s Arm for Triforce Tattoo

ATLANTA — Video game company Nintendo has sent a cease and desist to local fan Denis Fernandez for his Legend…

5 years ago
Nintendo Launches Cease & Desist ClassicNintendo Launches Cease & Desist Classic

Nintendo Launches Cease & Desist Classic

REDMOND, Wash. — Nintendo announced today the release of the newest entry in their “Classic” line of retro hardware, the…

7 years ago