cease and desist

Exhausted Fan Game Developer Prays Nintendo Sends Cease and Desist Soon

LOS ANGELES — Paul Moreno, the lone developer for a dating simulator game based on Nintendo’s popular Zelda franchise, once…

4 years ago

Nintendo Serves Cease and Desist to Your Friend Who Pronounces It “May-Rio”

REDMOND. Wash. — Nintendo has continued its brazen litigious patterns of late, issuing a cease and desist order to your…

4 years ago

Nintendo Sends DMCA Takedown to Man’s Arm for Triforce Tattoo

ATLANTA — Video game company Nintendo has sent a cease and desist to local fan Denis Fernandez for his Legend…

5 years ago

Nintendo Launches Cease & Desist Classic

REDMOND, Wash. — Nintendo announced today the release of the newest entry in their “Classic” line of retro hardware, the…

7 years ago