
Citizens of Rapture Unsure Where to Put Torn Down Andrew Ryan StatueCitizens of Rapture Unsure Where to Put Torn Down Andrew Ryan Statue

Citizens of Rapture Unsure Where to Put Torn Down Andrew Ryan Statue

RAPTURE — Confusion reigned in the underwater metropolis of Rapture today after residents tore down the imposing statue of patriarch…

5 years ago
Chain Smoking BioShock Devs Trying to Think of Weird Place a City Could BeChain Smoking BioShock Devs Trying to Think of Weird Place a City Could Be

Chain Smoking BioShock Devs Trying to Think of Weird Place City Could Be

SAN FRANCISCO — With only a week left before their deadline, a group of stressed, chain-smoking developers of the new…

5 years ago
Ranked: Every Single Jewish Video Game Character EverRanked: Every Single Jewish Video Game Character Ever

Ranked: Every Single Jewish Video Game Character Ever

As gamers, we don’t do enough to celebrate the vast history of Jewish heritage in video games, and we here…

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Review: ‘We Happy Few’ Imagines a World Where People Haven’t Already Played BioShockReview: ‘We Happy Few’ Imagines a World Where People Haven’t Already Played BioShock

Review: ‘We Happy Few’ Imagines World Where People Haven’t Already Played BioShock

In the latest creation from the Montreal-based developer Compulsion Games, We Happy Few is a wonderful game layered in moral…

7 years ago