June 24, 2021 Anime Character Brings a Knifegun to a Gunknife Fight Anime Character Brings a Knifegun to a Gunknife Fight NEO-TOKYO, Japan — Local anime hero Katsu Ichiro suffered a brutal defeat in a showdown with his nemesis Count Nakamura after he foolishly brought a…
February 13, 2021 Hayao Miyazaki Hospitalized After Son Announces New 4D Smell-O-Vision Film Hayao Miyazaki Hospitalized After Son Announces New 4D Smell-O-Vision Film TOKYO — Legendary filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki has been hospitalized as a result of his son Gorō Miyazaki announcing that his next film will be created…
January 25, 2021 CDC Urges Americans to Acquire New Skills and Outfits for When Time Skip Ends CDC Urges Americans to Acquire New Skills and Outfits for When Time Skip Ends ATLANTA — In an attempt to help Americans better understand and adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a…
October 25, 2020 Guy Considering Making Dragon Ball Z His Whole Thing Guy Considering Making Dragon Ball Z His Whole Thing FORT COLLINS, Colo. — A local guy looking to mix things up has reportedly considered making Dragon Ball Z like his whole thing. “I think…
July 11, 2020 Man Suffers Through 30 Minutes of Jazz Before Realizing He Just Likes Cowboy Bebop Man Suffers Through 30 Minutes of Jazz Before Realizing He Just Likes Cowboy Bebop LOS ANGELES — Local anime fan Jason Dominguez listened to nearly half an hour of a jazz album last Friday at a record store before…
July 8, 2020 Sleep Study Finds 40% Of People Produce Giant Inflating Snot Bubble During REM Cycle Sleep Study Finds 40% Of People Produce Giant Inflating Snot Bubble During REM Cycle SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — Noting a breakthrough in our understanding of human sleep behaviors, researchers at U.C. Santa Cruz have found about 40% of people…
June 20, 2020 Hello Fellow Japanimation Fans! I Have Some Content for You! Hello Fellow Japanimation Fans! I Have Some Content for You! Konnichiwa, minna-san! Netflix Producer-Chan here. I have some very sugoi news that I wanted to tell you about myself personally, because my excitement is well…
June 7, 2020 So Called ‘Landlord’ Can’t Even Earth Bend So Called ‘Landlord’ Can’t Even Earth Bend ATHENS, Ohio — A group of local tenants are reportedly disappointed by their landlord’s inability to utilize even the most basic of earth bending techniques…
June 6, 2020 Study Warns That ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Is Gateway Into Harder, More Dangerous Anime Study Warns That ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Is Gateway Into Harder, More Dangerous Anime STANFORD, Calif. — A study out of Stanford University shows a direct correlation between watching the Nickelodeon show Avatar: The Last Airbender and an increased…