
“No One’s Ever Really Gone,” Cackles Emperor Palpatine Over New Spider-Man Trailer

LOS ANGELES — A new trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home was released today and features Emperor Palpatine’s voice saying “no one’s ever really gone” over footage of Spider-Man battling in New York City.

“Holy shit is that Emperor Palpatine?! I was really wondering how they were gonna work him into this thing!” said Marvel fan Stuart Burks on Reddit. “It’s so cool they’re finally bringing back all the heavy hitters from the other movies with this multiverse stuff. I hope Disney buys every single Hollywood studio in existence so we can have one big collage of characters once for all.”

Kevin Feige took to social media to explain the decision to include several characters from older Spider-Man movies and Emperor Palpatine in the new MCU film.

“I remember growing up people telling me that the thing that makes America great is that it’s a melting pot of all these different cultures,” Feige said. “But I think we can go even further and make America a melting pot of all of the world’s pop cultures. That’s my goal here with Spider-Man: No Way Home — to make my own personal version of Ready Player One.

At press time, Feige noted that the only thing he had rejected as a cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home was a request from Sony, in which fans see a universe where Sony still owns Spider-Man and people aren’t upset about it.

Jeremy Kaplowitz