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New Animal Crossing Update Includes Fatalities


TOKYO — Nintendo announced today in a surprise Direct that they are adding even more features to Animal Crossing: New Horizon, including gore-filled Fatalities. 

According to Nintendo, the update adds a new option when interacting with fan-favorite NPC Isabelle in your island’s town hall. There, she will give you the option to learn devastating and deadly attacks from her time away from your island.

“Thanks to my relationship with The Doomslayer, I’ve been able to meet other game characters, like the gang from Mortal Kombat,” Isabelle dutifully explains in the announcement video. “They all seemed like they were having fun pulling off these moves, and each others’ body parts, so I wanted to share what I’ve learned with all my friends back on Youberg!”

Many of the Fatalities available to learn are taken straight from the MK franchise, including Scorpion’s skull-and-spinal-column removal and Kano’s heart-ripper from the original game. Thanks to some tools at your villager’s disposal, a new suite of moves is also available.

“Be sure to have your tools handy when attempting a Fatality on island residents,” Isabelle insists. “For instance, with the axe you have the ability to cleanly remove your victim’s legs before splitting their entire body in half. Even better things can happen when using a golden tool, so be sure to experiment!”

As of press time, Nintendo revealed that, after learning this new moveset, 91% of ACNH players immediately went to Tom Nook and ripped his head off.

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