If You Only Play One Game This Year, C’monnnnnn…Play Some More Games!

Stop everything that you are doing right now, and run, do not walk, to your local game store. This game could be the definitive video game of your generation. Or so could this one. Or maybe also this one. This one over here looks pretty good too. If you only play one game this year, c’monnnnn…play some more games!

You’re really planning to just play that one game this entire year? Think of all the huge releases that are coming! Break out that wallet and dive into some more video games already. Sure, this game is pretty good I’ll admit it, but there’s also a lot of other games you should buy. 

Look pal, if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for me. You think I could tell you to buy just one game this whole year? No! Buy all of these games, please. I’m begging you. The video game business isn’t what it used to be. Okay, sure, if anything it’s way better, but we just aren’t satisfied with some of your hard-earned money anymore. If you only play one game this year, I guess that’s fine. Then at the very least give us all of your money for nothing in return. 

I know your kid needs new shoes, but there’s a new Call of Duty coming out. You need knee surgery? Did you even see that latest Halo trailer? Just sit on the couch, tune out your children, and lose yourself in the euphoria of spending all your money on distractions that you don’t need.

Our game of the year for 2021? All of them!!!!

Camden Brazile