I made a huge mistake.
For every like this tweet gets, I will come up with a new nickname for Waluigi
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) July 19, 2018
As of the time of that this article was published, our tweet has 1,982 likes. Here are all your Waluigi nicknames.
Have at it, you cruel bastards.
- Waluweewee
- Mr Eggplant
- The Annoying Purple
- Assist Trophy
- Wah Boy
- Mr. Magorium’s Wonder EmVORErium
- The Snazzz
- GOOD Luigi
- Mr. Steal Your Girl
- Wah? Luigi!
- The Human Dick
- Big Purps
- Wario’s Uncle
- Shaped Like an Upside Down L On Your Forehead
- Cockzilla
- Walubeachy (if it’s summer)
- Steve Buscemi’s Ghost
- Groot (translate to English?)
- The Big Stink
- The World’s Second Greatest Detective
- Mario’s Dad
- The Guy Who Cucked Luigi With Daisy
- Voreburger
- The Amazing Jonathan
- Mr. and Mrs. Waluigi
- Grimace’s Godson
- Knifestache
- Ole Tired Eyes
- Bone Boy
- Numbah 3 Killa
- Drake No Josh
- Wawho?weekly
- Lewd Ferrigno
- The Captain
- Wabubeebee
- The Pipe King
- Andre Apathy
- George
- The Frenchman
- This is Forty
- Papa
- Uncircumcised Subscribe
- Walueevee fire type
- Walueevee water type
- Walueevee electric type
- Wahoo Answers
- Wablueuigi (For blue/purple colorblind gamers)
- Gay Mario
- Purple Drink
- Long D The Plumber Boy
- Tall Toad
- The Blank Screen (for completely blind gamers)
- Mr. Negative (but not the Spider-Man one)
- The Pipecleaner
- The New York City Choker
- Zodiac
- Member of R Kelly’s Sex Cult
- Booth Babe
- Ole Less Strange Than Fiction
- Mr Steal Yo Princess
- Gary Coleman 2
- Stick Shift Dick Mitch
- NY Cock Exchange
- The Fig Lebowski
- The Honorable Judge Waluigi Now Presiding
- Robocop
- Mushroom Kingdom’s Most Eligible Bachelor
- The King of Queens
- Nice
- Wally From The Block
- Prawn Jeremy
- Undefeated Heavyweight Champion Wah “The Uncircumcised Strangler” Luigi
- The Purple Abe Lincoln
- The Reincarnation of Prince
- Wahbbuffet
- WahYahweh
- Wahtzee!
- Jewish American Princess
- He Who Shall Not Be Circumcised
- Hispanic! At The Disco
- The Perfumed Seneschal
- The Nathan’s Hot Dog Vomiting Champion Of The World
- A Spike Lee Joint
- Italian Pete Davidson
- Disco Jack
- Bump ‘N’ Grind
- American History Sex
- Vibrating Mario
- Dear Leader
- Man Going His Own Way
- Busty Teen Getting Pipes Plumbed By Long-Dicked Stud and Weird, Much Shorter Brother
- Wally
- President of the Rick and Morty Official Fan Club
- Señor Fuck Fuck
- El Hombre En La Colina
- El Purple Gato
- Su Casa Mi Waluigi
- El Dios Del Sol
- Forbidden Manfruit
- Sunscreen Joe
- সূর্য দেবতা
- արեւի աստվածը
- 太陽神
- Wonderwaaaahhh
- Mr. Purple Son
- Mr. Purple Flesh
- Crank 2 High Voltage
- Mr. Purple Drawer
- Straight Luigi
- Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Donzale Waaaashington
- Crooked stache killer
- Growth Spurt
- The Purple Marble
- Mr. Purple Doll
- Joshua
- New Stepdad
- The Purple Rule
- The One Who Is Called “I Am”
- Notorious STD
- George Waluigishington
- The Purple Rings
- Zero Suit Waluigi
- The 41 Year Old Virgin
- Purple Machine Guy
- Captain Dongrot
- An Erection Lasting Longer than 4 Hours
- My Wife’s Boyfriend
- Bad Green Mario
- Mistake
- David Foster Waluigi
- Mr. Purple Street
- Purple Legs Guy
- Mr. Purple Hat
- Mr. Purple Drain
- Jerry Seinfeld
- Mr. Purple Celery
- Mr. Purple Distribution
- The Purple Flock
- The Purple-ist Nurple
- The Purple Ring
- Mr. Purple Baseball
- Mr. Purple Tongue
- Wahn Jeremy
- The Waaahlfare State
- The Purple Package
- Plum 41
- Mr. Purple Plane
- Unnamed Third Party
- Won’t-Luigi
- The Purple Line
- Mr Big Stuff
- Throb Marley
- Curves to the Right
- Discount Murdoc Niccols.
- Erect Stanley
- The Purple Fang
- The Purple Division
- Purple Jump Guy
- WaluSTI
- The Purple Bit
- That’s Waaaaaaaa She Said
- Jizzuigi
- Mr. Purple Passenger
- Purple rain
- That Vague Nausea You Get After Work Sometimes
- Wahnny Depp
- The Thin Wah Duke
- Nintendo’s Mario Tennis OC
- Hentai Steve
- Wa “always pee after sex to avoid a uti” Luigi
- Mustache Molester
- The Burgundy Brawler
- Purple Trouble Guy
- Mr. Purple Pickle
- Mr. Purple Corn
- The Purple Books
- Mr. Purple Horses
- Mr. Purple Riddle
- Quantity is not quality
- Nintendemort
- Mr. Purple Birth
- Post Alone
- Tentacle Enthusiast.
- Moms New Boyfriend
- Purple Nurples
- Mr. Purple Woman
- Wa Wa Cool J
- Waluigi Esq. of Waluigi and Sons Firm, Attorneys At Law
- Mr. Purple Duck
- The Purple Self
- Sticky Martin
- The Slippery Nipple
- Mr. Purple Sleet
- Purple Teeth Guy
- The Crusty Cretin
- Ken Waaaaaaaaatanabe
- The Purple Calendar
- Snideley Dickrash
- Mr. Purple Push
- Turkey and Hi-C
- Ant Man and The Waaahhhh
- Hotter John Stamos
- The Purple Kettle
- Tall, Wah, and Handsome
- Purple Business Guy
- An Elf on Growth Hormones
- The Purple Stone
- Dr. Dentist
- Bathlazar the Bath Salts Tsar
- Sir
- Mr. Purple Birds
- One of the Most Hardest Hitting Safeties in the League
- Wahxanne, You don’t have to wear that dress tonight
- Lulu
- Convicted Hammock Molester
- The Purple Wing
- Slap stick purple suck
- The Purple Writing
- Dr Dickll / Mr Wyde
- Big Wah Energy
- The Purple Teaching
- Mr. Purple Flower
- That purple cunt that always brings his tennis racket
- Bony Ass Wario
- Mr. Purple Steam
- Mr. Purple Reading
- The Main Attraction
- Purple Temper Guy
- James Cameron’s Wah-vatar
- The Purple Skirt
- Mr. Purple Card
- Mr. Purple Mass
- The Long Arm of the Wah
- The Purple Measure
- The Purple Horn
- Big Daddy Wah
- Daniel Day Walewisi
- The Purple Horse
- The Caped Cumsader
- Mr. Purple Vacation
- Walu-lovin’ Machine
- The Purple Driving
- Purple Prince Of Peace
- Sakurai’s Boy
- Mr. Purple Edge
- Mr. Purple Pancake
- Purple Rake Guy
- Mr. Hands
- Wahquaman
- Stone Cold Steve Wah-stin
- Grandaddy Purple
- Wahnson and Wahnson 3-in-1 Shampoo
- The Purple Clam
- Wahuey Lewis & The Nudes
- Wall-E
- The Color Waluigi
- The Purple Rabbit
- The Purple Sky
- Mr. Purple Guide
- Jabroni
- The L is for Lizard Person
- The Forgotten
- My Whole Afternoon Spent Thinking of Puns
- Sgt. Discharge
- Mr. Purple Baby
- #1 Hentai Fan
- Walli the Lean Monster
- Waka Waka
- Mr. Purple Doctor
- The Wahbadook
- Mr. Purple Quartz
- The Purple Babies
- The Purple Gun
- The Great Shatsby
- The Purple Army
- Mr. Purple Appliance
- Just the Tip
- The Purple Frogs
- Sad Max
- Walmart Fuckboi
- The Purple Camp
- Mr. Purple Acoustics
- His Manjesty
- The Purple Window
- The Purple Verse
- The Purple Rod
- One Wa Man
- TheRealNApster
- The Stink
- The Purple Turkey
- The Purple Bridge
- No, that’s Mario. I’m talking about the evil one Mom. No, that’s Wario. The tall one. No, that’s Luigi. Mom if you’re going to play can you at least pretend to care? It’s the purple one. No, that’s Mario again, I said the purple one. Ok there we go.
- The Waaaaahling Wall
- Mr. Purple Rock
- Mount Gushmore
- Humbert Humbert
- Purple Holiday Guy
- Pariah Carey
- Waluigi Armstrong
- Mr. Purple Day
- Mr. Purple Sink
- Mr. Purple Instrument
- The Purple Step
- Ole Gangly Dong
- Mr. Purple Sleep
- Kingpin Skinnypimp
- The Muscles From Brussels
- Mr. Purple Yard
- Cherry Pie (an old nickname from college)
- Purple Experience Guy
- Wam Bam Thank You Waluigi
- WAHdimir Putin
- Stinkmaster
- The Aristocrat!
- Purple Tent Guy
- Mr. Purple Need
- Mr. Purple Locket
- Purple Farm Guy
- The Purple Blade
- The Purple Fairies
- Meth Cousin
- Fuck
- Mr. Purple Basket
- The Purple Shape
- The Purple Rate
- The Tickler
- The Purple Stranger
- The Rigged Erection
- The Purple Lumber
- Purple Story Guy
- Mr. Purple Hydrant
- Wal Of Jericho
- Walui-Gee Rick I Don’t Know About This
- Vogue Foreskin
- The Two Eyed, Two Legged, Flying Purple Penis Haver
- The W Word
- The Purple Cats
- The Purple Train
- Mr. Purple Offer
- Gross
- The Perinium Plumber
- Walig-Why Did We Agree To This?
- Mr. Purple Dinosaurs
- The Purple Religion
- Mr. Purple Straw
- The Purple Creator
- The Purple Church
- Ethnic Stereotype No. 4
- Horseface Killah
- Mr. Purple Time
- Royal Flush
- Wa Wa Black Sheep
- Mr. Purple Burst
- Handsome Ted Cruz
- Mr. Purple Drink
- The Only Thing I See When I Close My Eyes Ever Since “The Incident”
- Joshub
- Dirty Pete
- Mr. Tall, Dark, and Moist
- Tom Hard-On
- Tonight’s Boyfriend
- Purple Mark Guy
- Oil Rig Santa Claus
- Purp Fiction
- Paul Manafort
- M Seeking M
- Purple Reign
- Walu-Ouija Board
- The Purple Pan
- Hench and a Half
- Million Dollar Baby
- Walu-weeb-i
- Mr. Purple View
- !!!
- A Cop’s Worst Nightmare
- The Purple Visitor
- The Purple Women
- Frasier Pain
- The Purple Lake
- The Purple Silk
- Raw Dog
- The Reason for the Season
- Former Host of Talk Soup
- The Purple Quiver
- Mr. Purple North
- Wally Sparks
- Harder Tim
- The Purple Vest
- Purple Hospital Guy
- The Purple Minute
- xWaluigix
- Mr. Purple Level
- God
- Mr. Purple Cake
- The Purple Squirrel
- Titanfall 2 Didn’t Get Enough Credit
- The Purple Spot
- The Flesh Prince
- Tall glass of walter
- Purple Big Dick Long Man
- Lady WaWa
- Dr. Waluigi, D.O.
- Masc 4 Masc
- Wally Bully
- Warios “Roommate”
- The Purpletrator
- The Man With No Name
- Mr. Purple Hair
- Mr. Purple Pencil
- Shy Stallone
- Mr. Purple Produce
- Mr. Purple Rail
- The Thin Purple Duke
- The man with the stinky pinkies
- Dr. Please Don’t Purple Rain On Me
- Tommy Toe Jam
- Mr. Purple Respect
- Mr. Purple Pot
- Mr. Purple Ghost
- Luigi’s Monster
- Purple Watch Guy
- The Purple Plot
- Pub-Wi
- Slim Dickins
- The Purple Spoon
- Mr. Purple Observation
- Mr. Purple Tendency
- The Purple Breath
- Mr. Purple Crack
- Wah McClane
- Mr. Purple Stew
- The Purple Root
- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
- Waluijizz
- Mr. Purple Snow
- The Smarm
- Admiral Asshole
- The Purple Bottle
- Uncle Dipstick
- Wa Filter
- Wa Luigi Baby Don’t Hurt Me Don’t Hurt Me No More
- The Purple Cattle
- Notorious W.A.H.
- Waaaa Why Won’t Senpai Notice Me?
- Waluigi on Sunshine
- Creed Bratton From The Office (US)
- Mr. Purple Bells
- The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Waluigi
- Mr. Purple Lunch
- Sweeny Waaaadd
- The Purple Steel
- The Purple Sweater
- Lady WahWah
- The Guy That’s Fuckin Mario’s Mom
- Baddie Long Legs
- Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Waluigi R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
- Mr. Purple Connection
- Robbie Rotten
- Evil Conan O’Brien
- The Purple One
- Lord of The Dicks
- The Heart Of Saturday Night
- Mr. Purple Route
- The Purple Peephole Skeeter
- JabberWah
- The Purple Ship
- The Purple Lunchroom
- The Sex Offender Formerly Known As Waluigi
- Mr. Purple Arch
- The Friend You Don’t Invite
- The Purple Egg
- Mr. Purple Money
- Tom Foulry
- Raul Juliwah
- The Purple Earth
- Mr. Purple Leg
- Benedick CUMberbatch
- Lasagna Cock (inside joke between Waluigi and Toad)
- Mr. Purple Fall
- The Purple Parcel
- The Hung Jury
- Visible Panty Line The Man
- Mr. Purple Voice
- The Chosen One
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
- The Purple Rainstorm
- Goku
- The Prostate With the Mostate
- The Purple Tree
- The Pastey Feeler
- The Purple Van
- Za Waluigido!
- The Purple Rain
- Cokémon Master
- The Purple Salt
- Mr. Purple Station
- Waluigiby
- Suspender Jones, Erotic Detective
- The Purple Maid
- Wa Wa Wa Wa Thotz
- Jethro Tall
- The Purple Hall
- The Purple Tomatoes
- Mr. Purple Power
- Mr. Purple Rifle
- Mr. Purple Pie
- Larry Bird
- The Long Arm of the Waah
- The Other Purple Man
- Daddy Kong
- Mr. Purple Skate
- WaluiGG Allen
- Sentient Dick Pic
- Luigi-Comma-Wa
- The Man. The Legend.
- Mr. Purple Aunt
- Mr. Purple Note
- Serena WAAAHlliams
- The Purple Front
- The Trump of Tennis
- Wahrles Manson
- Long Wario
- The Purple Tramp
- Daniel-Day-Lewis-In-Gangs-Of-New-York-Looking-Motherfucker
- Tucker Max?
- Mr. Purple Silver
- Mr. Purple Bomb
- Purple Trick Guy
- Hurricane Moist
- Mr. Purple Town
- Mark Waaaaaahlberg
- Long Bones McAngularFace
- The Purple Direction
- Mr. Purple Sticks
- The Color Purple
- The Purple Stem
- Purple Zinc Guy
- ROYGBinch
- WAAAAAAllflower
- Kyler F.
- Creep Purple
- The Purple Frame
- The Purple Plantation
- Pleasure Island
- Waaah-ger Federer
- Slippery Jesus
- Purple Art Guy
- Slim Steve
- DJ workboots
- Not Another Hard Drive List
- The Purple Care
- The Purple Form
- The Purple Discussion
- The Purple Order
- The Purple Pets
- Ms. Chanandler Waluigi Bong
- Kisses With Teeth
- Purple Berry Guy
- One word waluigi
- Mr. Purple Growth
- Purple Sound Guy
- Barney’s Dick
- Five Pool Noodles
- The Perks of Being a Wah-flower
- The Purple Zipper
- Mr. Purple Cactus
- The Purple School
- A Star Wars Character For the Old School Women-Hating Fans
- Not-So-Shy Guy
- Purple Credit Guy
- Based on the novel WAH by Sapphire
- Mr. Has A Hat
- The Maltese Falcon but A Video Game Character
- Opposite Bae
- Joshuc
- Mr. Purple Hour
- Ol’ Turkey Neck
- Paul F. Throbkins
- Slim Pickens
- The Waluigi You Put Between Us
- The Purple Pocket
- Dong With The Wind
- Mr. Purple Balance
- Mr. Purple Sock
- Purple Morning Guy
- Slip and Slide-whistle
- The Purple Wood
- Skaluigi
- Felony Luigi
- The mascot formally know as Waluigi
- Forgettable
- Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah’n’Roll High School
- The Man In Black In Purple
- The Purple Dress
- Wah-rio
- Overrated
- The Purple Angle
- Mr. Purple Thing
- Dick Lastardly
- Walu-ouji board
- The Purple Fact
- Mr. Purple Place
- Walouis C.K.
- Mr. Purple Low
- Mr. Purple Fruit
- What I Call Pod Racing
- Mr. Purple Letters
- The Purple Prince
- The Purple Mind
- The Purple Bag
- Mr. Purple Pen
- Purple People Greeter
- The Purple Hand
- The Purple Attack
- Mr. Purple Glass
- Uncle Bad Touch
- The Third Winklevoss Twin
- The Purple Scene
- Purple Showers
- Mr. Purple Potato
- Roofuigi
- The Purple Yoke
- The Purple Juice
- The Violet Femme
- Purple Dad Guy
- Olive Garden In Human Form
- Wahbodan Milosevic
- The Purple Argument
- The Brother Forgotten
- Joe
- Mr. Purple Rabbits
- L-Cancel
- A Miserable Pile of Secrets
- Mr. Purple Plough
- Wah Wah Wahhhh Wah Wahbara Ann
- Pooper Mario
- Homeschool Luigi
- Jackie Chan
- A Real Life Umbrella
- Mr. Purple Laugh
- Mr. Purple Eggnog
- The Purple Treatment
- Randall Cunningham
- “Stop Or I’ll Call 911â€
- Italian Hitler
- The Purple Grandmother
- Ooh-Wa-Ah-Ah-Ah-Luigi
- The Purple Boat
- Goku, but not the one you’re thinking of
- Wahlucy Wahliu
- Mr. Purple Digestion
- The Purple Pail
- Wahnton Soup
- Rick Nastly
- The Purple Sort
- Ooh eeeh ooh ahh ahh ting tang walu Igi Bing Bong
- The Purple Join
- The Mothman
- Walugiam Shakespeare
- The Purple Cover
- The Purple Country
- Mr. Purple Hammer
- Mardi Gross
- WaluiiU
- The Tripod God
- The Purple Pleasure
- Mr. Purple Work
- The Purple Talk
- Kindly Whiplash
- The Purple Cave
- Lizard Person of New Donk City
- Mr. Purple Committee
- Wes Anderson
- The Purple Room
- WahYoshi(on Tinder)
- Purple Match Guy
- The Purple Language
- The Purple Alarm
- The Italian Scallion
- Walulu Lemon
- The Purple Zoo
- The Purple Grip
- Jim Walushi
- The Purple Quill
- Seth Macy
- Mr. Purple Touch
- Mr. Purple Point
- Sweat Midler
- The Repeat Offender
- Mr. Purple Record
- The Mauve AVENGER
- The Sudden Horrible Certainty That Your Hope Is In Vain
- Lisa Stank
- Mr. Purple Development
- Giant Enemy Crab
- Mr. Purple Comparison
- 1976 Ford F10P XLT Ranger Pickup Truck – Restored – $2000 OBO
- Mr. Pizzas
- Wasabi Luigi
- The Choad Warrior
- Brazzers.waaaaa
- Mandy patinkon if he was a horse
- Mono No Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaare
- The Purple End
- Old New Dad
- Birdo’s Booty Call
- The Opposite of Luigi or Some shit
- Mr. Purple Mailbox
- Lil’ Rhinophyma
- Purple Roof Guy
- Wah-rld of Wah-craft
- Wahren Zevon
- The Purple Creature
- The Purple Relation
- Squeege weege
- Musty
- Mr. Purple Bike
- Ubermensch
- The Purple Behavior
- The Purple Nation
- Mr. Purple Arm
- Mr. Purple Beds
- Ma Waaaaiiiiife
- Daniel Day Lewis
- Skinny the Clown
- The Purple Shame
- The Purple Bushes
- Nintendo’s Purp Headed Step Child
- Mr. Purple Flavor
- Thin thighs save lives
- The Purple Sea
- Just Because He Hasn’t Done It Yet Doesn’t Mean You Should Trust a Man With a Face Like That
- The Purple Bedroom
- Mr. Purple Crime
- Mr. Purple River
- Purple Rain
- Mr. Wahldwide
- Mr. Peaches
- The Purple Pin
- The Purple Pear
- Elbowser
- Mr. Purple Water
- The Purple Sidewalk
- Crotch-ster the Grouch
- Big Weeg
- Squirt of Italian Dressing
- One Wanged Angel
- Mr. Purple Planes
- The Purple Guitar
- The Purple Frog
- Bad Pillow
- Mr. Purple Increase
- Wingo Wango
- Mr. Purple Quicksand
- Waatch Me Nae Nae
- Mr. Purple Existence
- Purple Selection Guy
- Methistopheles
- Wal Kilmer
- The Reason Samus Wears That Suit
- Mr. Purple Surprise
- The Purple Shock
- Mr. Purple Linen
- Mr. Purple Rub
- Mr. Steal Your Princess
- The Purple Mine
- The Purple Can
- Mr. Feel Your Girl
- The Purple Apparel
- Mr. Purple Minister
- Mr. Purple Apparatus
- Smamp!
- Johnny cold cuts!
- Your Little Brother’s Dark Freudian Dream
- The Purple Desk
- I Can’t Believe It’s Not Luigi
- Wah-bash Cannonball by Wah-nny Cash
- Tall Blart: Brawl Cop
- The Best Damn Tennis Player I’ve Ever Faced
- The Big Dub
- The Violet Violator
- Wha-wha-wha (Luigi)
- The Purple Butter
- WAHN Radio 969.69 FM, Wahn Stop Rock N Roll
- Mr. Purple Request
- Ben-Wah Balls
- Tsunderebolt
- The Purple Bucket
- Purple Sugar Guy
- Smellin’ Degenerate
- Heroin Wario
- Mr. Purple Stop
- Felon Musk
- Purple Idea Guy
- Sarah McWahchlan
- Jared Leto
- Colonel cum stain
- Miyamoto’s Illegitimate Son
- Mr. Purple Rose
- The Purple Wax
- Gangly Kong
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn
- The Purple Rest
- Mr. Purple Home
- Purple Brick Guy
- Mr. Slit Splitter
- Still better than having to play as Toad
- Biggest Uncircumcised Dick Energy
- The Purple War
- Waluigi the Hedgehog (OC DONT STEAL)
- Darth Penetrator
- The Purple Addition
- Nintendon’t
- Pedro
- Mr. Purple Cast
- The Purple Purpose
- The Purple Desire
- Mr. Purple Head
- Groper Cleveland
- Deathpacito
- Purple Fold Guy
- The Purple Actor
- Mario 4: Mario’s Revenge
- The reason I lost faith in humanity
- Extra Crispy Luigi
- Purple Steel
- Mr. Purple Believe
- Mr. Purple Tank
- Mr. Fucking Waluigi, To You
- Mr. Purple Sheet
- The Purple Yam
- Well you can tell by the way I use my WAH, I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk
- WaluiG-Money and His Special Sauce
- Handlebario
- Mr. Purple Island
- The Purple Twig
- The Purple Uncle
- Purple Wrench Guy
- Wah Wah Wally Boy
- Mr. Purple Cook
- Mr. Purple Brother
- Purple Paper Guy
- I Have Embezzled Hundreds Of Dollars From Hard Drive And I Have Never Been Caught, This Is My Confession
- The Man Banned From Jo Ann Fabrics Nationwide for Installing Glory Holes in Bathrooms
- Purple Man Guy
- The Purple Branch
- The Purple Cemetery
- The Purple Geese
- Violet J
- Purple Spy Guy
- The Purple Chickens
- Do the John Waluigi
- Waluigi-Spot
- Mr. Purple Crib
- Crazier Hand
- Tweedle Hung
- The Almighty Wa
- Sum Forty Wahn
- Walou Kang
- Mr. Purple Zephyr
- My uncles friend that was just being affectionate
- Mr. Purple Middle
- Purple Glove Guy
- Agent 69
- Wal*Mart Supersaver Club
- Your Lord and Saviour You Filthy Pleb
- The Epitome and Eventual Collapsing Point of Modern Meme Culture
- Violet Evergarden
- Garfield
- Purple Secretary Guy
- Captain Mook
- The Alpha And The Wah-mega, The Lui-genning And The End
- Wa Wa (Like The Convenience Store)
- Mr. Purple Wind
- Mr. Purple Payment
- Dark Toon Walink
- The Artist Formerly Known As Waluigi
- He Who Must Not Be Wah’d
- Smegmario
- Mr. Purple Prose
- Mr. Purple Wash
- Mr. Purple Truck
- The Purple Car
- Mushroom Kingdom Kramer
- Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
- The Purple Pill
- Mr. Purple Grain
- Curly Jerry
- The Purple Orange
- The artist formerly known as Wa
- Dong DeLouise
- The Purple Crown
- Waluigi CK
- Homecoming Jester
- Mr. Purple Playground
- Mr. Purple Dock
- Purple Dameron
- Lars Ulrich
- Wah The Pooh
- Slim Shadigi
- The Purple Night
- Mr. Purple Seashore
- Wah Wah Black Sheep
- The Purple Pipe
- Drink of WAHHHHHHHter
- Mr. Purple Wound
- Tragic Mike
- Flasher in the Rye
- Purple Snake Guy
- Mr. Purple Oven
- The Purple House
- Mr. Purple Statement
- Mr. Purple Bubble
- Purple Society Guy
- Italian Rapscallion
- Big Moist
- Walu-Remember Ask Jeeves?
- The WAAHrp Star
- The Purple Page
- Jesus Christ
- Bradley
- The Purple Discovery
- Mr. Purple Event
- Long Balls
- Mr. Purple Waves
- Mr. Purple Arithmetic
- Debbie Waaaahsserman Schultz
- The Moist Slapper
- Mr. Purple Giraffe
- Mr. Purple Pollution
- The Purple Badge
- The Purple Tiger
- The Big Purple Coefficient
- Two Eyed, Long Dong, Wah-ing Purple People Eater
- Patty Man-aise
- Peter North
- Mr. Purple Caption
- We Are Literally Ugly Ignorant Gangly Italians
- Number 69 in Your Program, Number One in Your Heart
- The Purple Sheep
- Purple Cobweb Guy
- Mr. Purple Tail
- The Boy Who Cried WAAAAAH
- Mr. Purple Spade
- The Purple Stage
- Jeremy Krappenshitz
- Purple Beef Guy
- The Purple Amount
- Mr. Purple Robin
- Mr. Purple Weather
- Post-Luigi
- The Purple Bee
- The Purple Hate
- Mr. Purple Twist
- Not Wario, Mario, or Luigi
- The Purple Oatmeal
- The King Of The Prince Of Darkness
- Purple Furniture Guy
- Vincent Wallo
- Mr. Purple Turn
- Lank ‘n Beans
- Mr. Purple Color
- Mr Public Domain
- Purple Canvas Guy
- Daddy Long Legs
- The Purple Fly
- Chris Gaines
- The Purple Meanie
- Eugene Hutz When He Starts Wearing Purple
- Dong Lover
- Mr. Purple Brake
- Mr. Purple Store
- Casual Encounter
- Mr. Purple Muscle
- OliWah Cromwell
- Purple Side Guy
- The Loud Italian Guy In Front of You at Subway
- The Purple Protest
- The Purple Sail
- The Purple Blood
- Mr. Purple Mint
- Robbie Rotten’s Horny Cousin
- Harvey Waaaahnstein
- Purple Oranges Guy
- Mr. Purple Friends
- Mr. More Human Than Human
- Muave Monster
- Mr. Purple Camera
- WAHking on the Sun by Smash Mouth
- The Naked Gun
- Mr. Purple Quince
- Mr. Purple Swing
- Mr. Purple Land
- The Purple Expert
- Mr. Purple Hands
- Mr. Purple Class
- The Purple Engine
- Willam Uigi
- Mr. Purple Transport
- Mr. 2016
- Purple Ray Guy
- The Purple Change
- Purple Dirt Guy
- Purple Representative Guy
- Purple Meal Guy
- Mr. Purple Mouth
- Crying at the Wah Wah feat. Chris Gethard
- Fuck-woi
- Slumdog Thousandaire
- The Purple Pet
- The Grape Grappler
- B. Cooper
- Fallout Goy
- Mr. Purple Walk
- Machoer Man
- The Purple Door
- Mr. Purple Grade
- Waaaah-en I was in elementary school it was hard for me to make friends and now I’m a freelance writer for an extemely niche online magazine
- Mr. Purple Spark
- The Purple Fog
- WaluBee Gees
- Daylight Come and Me Waaaahhna Go Home
- Wea-biscuit
- The Purple Stitch
- Susan, but only if the IRS wants to know
- Mr. Purple Swim
- Wahí ½í±Luí ½í±Igií ½í±
- Uncle Marty
- Poon and Gloom
- A Bit Worth Losing 100 Twitter Followers and Counting
- The Purple Effect
- Ahura Mazda
- The Purple Cent
- The Waluigi Trump’s Going It Build And Make Mexico Pay For It
- Mr. Purple Wilderness
- Mr. Purple Table
- Sexy Wario
- The Purple Trains
- Mr. Purple Shade
- Mr. Purple Heat
- Musical Guest Janelle Monae
- John Waleguizamo
- Mr. Purple Run
- Nightmare
- Parental Advisory: Explicit Content
- Slender Boy
- Salvador WalÃ
- Waaaaaaahhhhhhh
- The Male Serena Williams
- Mr. Purple Cushion
- Slob Goblin
- Fraisier Stain
- Purple Fear Guy
- The Purple Bead
- Slice o’ pizza pie
- The Purple Sack
- The Purple Hope
- The Purple Soap
- A Character Played by Scarlett Johansson
- The Purple Weight
- Not Waluigi
- Wario+Luigi
- Solid Snake, If You Know What I Mean
- Mr. Purple Mom
- The Purple Jelly
- Hairy Wahtter
- The Purple Toy
- Fuckboi Supreme
- The Purple Receipt
- Statutory Grape
- Wahcamole
- The Purple Hill
- The Purple Hot
- Wah Lou Ouija
- The Purple Rhythm
- Conan O’Brien
- Mr. Purple Hobbies
- Theo fuxtable
- The Big Wabowksi
- Beefs Wellington
- Throbbin’ Williams
- A$AP Weege
- Nocturnal Admission
- The President
- The Purple Toe
- Yellow Gut
- Walst virginia
- A Joke I Wrote Instead Of Working, Don’t Tell My Boss
- Oops! All Foreskin
- Stretch Legstrong
- The Purple Test
- Your Host For The Evening
- Mr. Purple Partner
- The Purple Way
- I’m Just a WAH Boy, Nobody Loves Me
- Purple Eyes Guy
- Mr. Purple History
- Filthy Fred
- Hairy Thotter
- Purple Iron Guy
- Mr. Purple Hook
- Mr. Purple Fork
- WahWah
- Skeleton Twin
- The Purple Writer
- The Slippery Slapper
- Dude Your Girl Tells You Not to Worry About
- The Purple Texture
- The Purple Limit
- Wushu Weegee
- Mr. Purple Jail
- The Purple Interest
- The Purple Scissors
- The Mushroom Tip King
- Little Purple Jumpsuit
- The Jolly Purple Giant
- Missing Link
- Bud Bowl MVP
- Purple Person Guy
- Stephen Cling
- Mr. Purple Sense
- Mario if he wasn’t allowed within 50 meters of a pre-school
- Gringo Starr
- Is anyone still reading this list?
- The Purple Cause
- The Great Waluigi by F. Scott FitzgeraldChapter 1.In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.
“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
He didn’t say any more, but we’ve always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought — frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. - Tobias
- The Purple Book
- The Purple Stamp
- The Purple Coil
- Skunked 40 Of Beast
- Mr. Purple Railway
- Best Supporting Roll
- Wilmer ValderWAHmma
- Purple String Guy
- Our Correspondent
- Tony Supwano
- The Purple Friend
- Mr. Purple Aftermath
- Mr. Purple Regret
- Incel Elgort
- The Purple Unit
- The Purple Fireman
- The Purple Crow
- Purple Stocking Guy
- Reggie Fils-Aime’s Little Brother
- Mr. Purple Soda
- W@/_U161
- The WaaahLocaust
- Walumemegi
- My Lanky Neighbor Who Buried His Pet Guinea Pig In His Backyard Last Week
- Jizzam The Sex Genie
- Purple Haircut Guy
- Live From New York It’s Wah-turday Night
- Purple Servant Guy
- Steve
- Hulk Hogan If He Was More Racist
- Slithering Heights
- Mr. Purple Slip
- Mr. Purple Territory
- Waluwecanstillthinkofmore
- Purple Zebra Guy
- Wathony Luigitano
- Mr. Purple Approval
- Warth Vader
- The Purple Attraction
- Mr. Purple Hose
- The Worst Thing To Happen To Mustaches Since Hitler
- Wa- Loogie
- Acclaimed Hard Drive Contributor
- Purple Number Guy
- Jesus’s Apostle
- Prince Prostate
- The Purple Invention
- Morti-guy
- The Purple Part
- The Love Guru
- The Wahking Head
- Wah-Wah-What you sayyy? That you only meant well, Wah course you did
- The Purple Bikes
- The Purple Kiss
- The Purple Harbor
- Purple Jar Guy
- The Purple Finger
- The Purple Calculator
- The Purple Cloth
- The Purple Toad
- WAHgames
- David Showie
- King Creepa
- Tall Star by Smash Mouth
- Blowba Fett
- The Purple Throat
- Waheaties
- Mr. Purple Advertisement
- Mr. Malpractice
- Mr. Purple Throne
- The Purple Trees
- The Purple Cream
- The Purple Start
- Sneaky Pooper
- Mr. Purple Tooth
- The Thinking Man’s Luigi
- Balluigi
- Super Smarmy-o Brother
- Alas, Poor Waluyorick
- The Wahlander
- Banana Hammock
- Purple Dust Guy
- Squirtle
- The Purple Dinner
- Purple Destruction Guy
- Mr. Purple Beginner
- The Purple Stick
- Purple Condition Guy
- Wet warker
- The Toungemobile up your thighway
- Horny Teens Near You
- Wa Wa West
- Moms “Friend”
- Mr. Purple Dime
- Wahjoras Mask
- The Purple Month
- Squalid Snake
- Purple Lip Guy
- Hark! The Waluigi!
- Waluigigigi
- Jeremy Kaplowitz
- Mr. Purple Kick
- Purple Curve Guy
- The Purple System
- Jack and the Peen Stalk
- Mr. Purple Soup
- Waluigi II: The Seqwaaahhhhl
- Rango
- Mr. Purple Quiet
- Sasha Grey
- Purple Party Guy
- Ayawaaaaaasca
- Meryl Creep
- The Sixty-Niner in Blue Eyeliner
- Tall Dark and Ransom
- Old Man Jerkins
- Mr. Purple Base
- Mr. Purple Star
- The Long Man
- Wokluigi
- Purple Hatted Sex God
- The Purple Insurance
- Purple Stretch Guy
- Loco Baggins
- Purple Thought Guy
- Wahzam
- The Purple Bird
- Purple Reward Guy
- My Son’s Dad
- The Purple Cabbage
- @TherealWanaldluigi
- Mr. Purple Chin
- Wah-mmstein
- The man with the golden dick
- Mr. Purple Fire
- Niles Crane
- Don’t Call My Name, Don’t Call My Name, Waluberto
- Soup or Smash Brother
- Mr. Purple Agreement
- Mr. Purple Rat
- Cocaine Donkey Kong
- Purple Cracker Guy
- Mr. Purple Honey
- Purple Loss Guy
- Mr. Purple Board
- Big Dick Luigi
- Purple Chance Guy
- WAHlter Kronkite
- Cutie Pie
- The Phallus That Has Malice
- The Purple Tax
- Purple Whip Guy
- Mr. Purple Toothpaste
- Quaker Mario
- Mr. Purple Coach
- Mr. Purple Government
- Johnny Stache
- BJ Blazkowaaaaaaah
- Mr. Purple Rice
- The Purple Toothbrush
- My Anaconda Does Want Some, Jr.
- The Purple Use
- Purple Milk Guy
- The Purple Peace
- Mr. Purple Shoes
- Moby Dick, The White Waaaaaaah
- Mr. Purple Wealth
- Purple Shrek
- The Purple Things
- Purple Ticket Guy
- Hotel Wario
- Virginia Slim
- Waluigene Simmons
- Mr. Purple Year
- Walavender
- Plumpers
- Warui-kun
- Mr. Purple Copper
- The Purple Cannon
- Mr. Purple Suit
- The Purple Question
- Mr. Purple Stove
- The Purple Knowledge
- Josh
- We Need To Build A Wah
- Dances With Waaaaaaaah
- Mr. Purple Flame
- Mr. Purple Recess
- Eggplant Emoji Eggplant Emoji Eggplant Emoji
- Mr. Purple Animal
- The Purple Chalk
- The Purple Crowd
- Grope Soda
- PAWG (Purple Ass Waluigi Guy)
- Purple Horse of the Apocalypse
- Naughty Luigi?
- Wahntanamo Bay
- The Purple Belief
- Alt-Right Wario
- Mr. Purple Kitty
- Waluigi Does The Fox Say?
- Purple Santa
- Slender man
- Mary Waaaappins
- Mr. Purple Fish
- The Purple Stream
- Wah U
- The Witcher 3: Wah-ld Hunt
- Wii Wii Lips
- Mr. Purple Powder
- The Purple Yarn
- Smell Gibson
- The Purple Knee
- Cottonmouth Joe
- Mr. Purple Notebook
- Mr. Purple Pull
- Warren Allan Uigi
- The Purple Advice
- Racquet Fingers
- The Purple Cough
- Purple Love Guy
- The Purple Judge
- Mr. Not In Smash
- The Purple Sand
- Mr. Purple Girl
- Mr. Purple Leather
- The Purple Bell
- Waluigi, Doris Day, Red Wah, Johnnie Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe Wah-gio, Joe Mcuigi, Richard Wah, Studebaker, Television, Luigi, Waluigi, Marilyn Wahroe
- The Purple Week
- Fetty Wapluigi
- He who must not be gamed
- Purple Play Guy
- Your Weird Neighbor Whose Entire Face You’ve Never Seen
- The Purple Tray
- Now I’m A WAHliever by Smash Mouth
- Mr. Purple Mountain
- Purple Headed Warrior
- The Purple Shelf
- The Purple Priapism
- The Purple Sponge
- Mr. Purple Value
- Mr. Purple Pig
- Wahnston Churchill
- Purple Brass Guy
- Not Really Worth All This Attention
- The Purple Smash
- The Ol’ Lanky Spanky
- Wi-Little Boy
- Tall Wario
- Waluigi me Whip Waluigi me Nene
- The Love Below
- Mad Catz Mario Brother
- Buffalo Wah Wings
- The Purple Position
- Mr. Purple Clover
- Mr. Purple Expansion
- Probably Whatever Jordan Peterson is On About
- The Jean Geanie
- Me-Fisto
- You Will Meet A Tall Dark Pervert
- The Purple Daughter
- The Purple Stomach
- Leisure Suit Wahry
- The Purple
- The Purple Curtain
- Bofa
- The Purple Porter
- Walustevie
- Mr. Purple Mitten
- WaluOuija
- My Horny Uncle
- The Purple Underwear
- The Weege
- Jerry Waaaaaahndusky
- Nothing. No one. A Mere Shell Of A Man. Emptiness.
- The Purple Friction
- The Purple Wave
- Mr. Purple Smell
- Pootie-poot
- Spud’
- Mr. Purple Wren
- BIG Pharma
- Super Bro Smasher
- Mr. Purple Reaction
- Gregg With Three G’s
- NWAluigi
- The Purple Amusement
- Knob Goblin
- Flaccid Snake
- The Purple Laborer
- Twizzle-Stick Stache Face Boy
- Waahtch Me Whip
- Mayor of Cum Town
- The Purple Crook
- Mr. Purple Anger
- Ebow the letter
- The Purple Support
- Smegma Man X
- Mr. Purple Income
- Jeff RosenWah
- The Delaware Dangler
- Lil Waaaaachty
- The Amazing Talking Rimjob
- The Fitnessgram Pacer Test
- Stephen Colbert (pronounced the wrong way)
- The Purple Office
- The Purple Screw
- The Purple Kittens
- Mr. Purple Profit
- The Mauve Storm
- Mr. Purple Collar
- The Purple Range
- The Purple Plant
- The Purple Downtown
- The Purple Grape
- Tiddlywinks
- Mr. Purple Thunder
- Little Elvis
- Mr. Purple Umbrella
- David Tyler
- The Purple Cart
- Mr. Purple Volcano
- The Purple Industry
- Chad Kroeger
- The 12 Inch Whisper
- Jared Pedo
- Carlos Danger
- Wahbbie Wahtten
- The Secret Identity of the Wii Fit Trainer
- Nintendo’s Bastard Child
- Mr. Purple Toes
- The Purple Roll
- The Purple Spiders
- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NorthWaaaaah, Washington DC 20500
- Purple Boy Guy
- Scuba Steve
- The Purple Size
- The Half-Blood Prick
- Mr. Purple Grandfather
- The Send Nudes Dude
- Smasher ball dasher
- Pablo Horny
- Pickled
- Mr. Purple Boundary
- Mr. Purple Substance
- Old Jeezy
- Purple Look Guy
- Wale-wale-Jandro
- Mr. Purple Basin
- Mr. Purple Lettuce
- The Purple Fowl
- Piss
- The Purple Quilt
- The Purple Cherries
- Grease Police
- Purple Plants Guy
- Mr. Purple Songs
- Bedroom Eyes Wa
- The Dancing Bosstone of the Nintendo Universe
- Mr. Purple Sun
- John Arbuckle
- Purple Circle Guy
- The Purple Scarecrow
- The Purple Volleyball
- King of the Sizzler
- That Nigerian Prince
- Mr. Purple Punishment
- Trashcan Terry
- Perks of Being a Wal Flower
- The Purple Toys
- Crash Override
- Mr. Purple Jam
- Purple Foot Guy
- The Destroyer of Worlds
- 745
- The True Heir To The Mushroom Kingdom Throne
- The Purple Authority
- The Purple Noise
- Eiffel 69
- Mr. Purple Crayon
- The Purple Tin
- Mr. Purple Snail
- Gay Luigi
- Purple Bear Guy
- Mr. Purple Road
- Tony Hawk’s Pro Skeeter
- The Purple Scarf
- Wahba The Hut
- Andre Agassy
- Upside Down Luigi
- Purple Harmony Guy
- Good Apollo I’m Burning Waaaaaaaaah IV
- The Purple Trade
- Mr. Purple Queen
- The Caped Cum-eater
- Handsy Steven
- Mr. Purple Flag
- The Purple Yak
- Good Wah Hunting
- Mr. Purple Mother
- The mauve avenger
- The Purple Winter
- The Purple Gold
- Wahnkey Kong
- Fingers Mcghee
- The Purple Price
- Mr. Purple Cakes
- K’NEX Disaster
- Baeberry Crunch
- Purple cum stealer
- The Purple Skin
- Sacha Baron Cohen
- Mr. Purple Lace
- Purple Act Guy
- The Purple Cap
- Flamboyant Doctor Wah Wah
- Mr. Purple Ball
- JPEGMafia
- Uncrustable
- The Purple Bat
- James Chauncey Bartholomew
- Happiness is a WAHrm Gun
- The Purple Suggestion
- Doctor Wah
- Purple Back Guy
- The Purple Reason
- Mr. Purple Key
- xXxWaLUiGIxXx@aol.com
- Purple Neck Guy
- The Purple Market
- Mr. Purple Smile
- Bodankles
- The Conjugal Visitor
- Mr. Purple Mist
- Silverlake Hipster Rapist
- Ms. Elizabeth
- Blurred Lines
- Wah Zuckerberg
- Luigi’s Purple Brother Waluigi
- Underalls
- Purple Jesus
- The real Kira
- The Purple Building
- RonPaulFan69
- The Purple Elbow
- One-Eyed Two-Balled Giant Purple People Pleaser
- Mr. Purple Summer
- Caligula
- Mr. Purple Cellar
- The Purple Thrill
- Wa and Peace
- Jushy
- W-A-H-L-E
- Mr. Purple Channel
- The Purple Afternoon
- The Purple Thread
- Gene Friskel
- The Purple Jewel
- The Purple Trail
- The Purple Afterthought
- The Purple Wheel
- Chris Benwaaaah
- Baron von Crackhouse
- The Creeple’s Champion
- Overalls Over Balls
- Rap Game Jared from Subway
- The Boner Collector
- The Purple Dog
- Smegma Man
- Mr. Purple Cup
- Funky Winkerbean
- Purple Magic Guy
- Mr. Purple Basketball
- Dishonorable Toothpick Bandit
- Tall, Warm Drink of Water
- Upper Decker
- Purple Cheese Guy
- Tony Stank
- Mr. Purple Meeting
- The Purple Sneeze
- “My moustache is the same length as penis” guy
- Purple Design Guy
- The Coccyx Avenger
- Why does Wario keep bringing his weird friend? He doesn’t even know anyone, he’s never been on an adventure. Yet every time we’re all hanging out playing golf or tennis or sometimes he brings that freak with him. No one knows him, he screams that everyone cheated when he loses, he’s not any fun. Who keeps inviting him?
- Mr. Purple Coast
- The Purple Seat
- Purple Boots
- Mr. Purple Debt
- The Purple Jellyfish
- I bless the rains down in Wah-rica
- Delete This
- Purple Trip Guy
- Overrated Meme
- Mr. Purple Name
- Purple Plumber Eater
- Dick-in-a-Question-mark Box
- Mr. Purple Tub
- The Purple Deer
- Porkestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
- No Man’s Guy
- Mr. Purple Ear
- The Purple Blow
- World’s Number 1 ABBA Fan
- Hot n Juicy
- Waluigi No Think of The Children
- The Purple Cow
- Mr. Purple Exchange
- The Purple Needle
- Wiggi walls
- The Purple Whistle
- The Purple Feeling
- Ol’ Swirly Stash, the Dread of The Deep
- Mr. Purple Lock
- Mr. Purple Company
- Mr. Purple Memory
- @realDonaldTrump
- Emaciated Wario
- The Real Slim Shady
- Slim Bison
- Buttons
- Mr. Purple Error
- The Purple Children
- Purple Drain
- The Purple Trucks
- Foreskin Dubya
- Purple Nurple
- Mr. Purple Wrist
- The Purple Liquid
- Mi amor
- Zaddy
- The Purple Food
- My WAAAHdy is Ready
- Mr. Purple Vegetable
- The Grapefruited Crusader
- The Purple Spring
- Mr. Purple Wine
- Afterthought of an Afterthought
- Purple Crate Guy
- The King of Pop
- The Purple Pantsed Perp
- The Purple Vein
- Mr. Purple Competition
- The Opioid Noid
- Sad Jeremy
- Orphan Purple
- Mr. Purple Eggs
- The Purple Dogs
- The Purple Flowers
- The Purple Oil
- Mr. Purple Show
- The Purple Shirt
- Mr. Purple Activity
- Mr. Purple Metal
- Purple Fuel Guy
- Purple Donkey Guy
- Jesus Shuttlecock
- The Artful Waahdger
- Hella Boy
- Master Keif
- Mr. Purple Slope
- The Fellation Sensation
- Uncle Hands
- Mr. Purple Moon
- Bad Luigi
- Guccifer 3.0
- Mr. Purple Plastic
- The Purple Cows
- The Purple Airport
- Wa Lu (Ba Ba Dee Ba Ba Die)
- The Purple Border
- Innnnnn Wahst Philadelphia Born And Raised
- #1 Most Searched Porn In Delaware
- Ol’ Shoe Breath
- Stache Gropinski
- The Purple Chess
- The Purple Death
- Oliver Piss
- Chris Hardwick
- WaluIGN
- Big Lick Energy
- The Purple Taste
- The Plumber’s Plumber
- The Purple Sister
- Purple Cherry Guy
- The Purple Group
- Purple Ants Guy
- Waluigi Invited You To Play MouseHunt
- Wahk you like a hurricane
- Chumbawaaaaaaamba
- The Purple Veil
- Mr. Purple Thumb
- Mr. Purple Scale
- The Best Foreskin in the Game
- 7 Feet Of Purple Passion
- Purple Cat Guy
- Purple Gate Guy
- Purple Example Guy
- Knuckles
- Captain Chode
- Please, Can I See My Son Now?
- Mr. Purple Governor
- The Purple Structure
- Mr. Purple Adjustment
- The Purple Distance
- Chief Justice Warren E. Burger
- The Purple Quarter
- Three Toads In Overalls
- The Purple Wire
- Purple Pump Guy
- Wah Wah Big Dick Cool W
- Mr. Purple Current
- Mr. Purple Ink
- Mr. Purple Grass
- Walutweety
- Area Man
- Purple Science Guy
- Boneless Wario
- Mr. Purple Flight
- Party Foul
- Where’s Waluigi?
- Purple Bone Guy
- Mr. Purple Drop
- The Purple Title
- Mr. Purple Song
- Wally Baby
- The Purple Knife
- Fuckmaster Flash
- The French tickler, but italian
- The Purple Jeans
- Mr. Purple Houses
- Waluigimart
- Grimace’s Evil Buu
- Smuferer
- Purple Square Guy
- Pussy Melter 5000
- The ‘Stached Stud
- The Sicilian Simpleton
- Sebulba
- The Purple Cub
- Sir Not Appearing in This Fighting Game
- Purple Slave Guy
- Purple Nest Guy
- Imperator Furry-osa
- Mr. Purple Cars
- The Purple Nut
- The Purple Detail
- Marky Mark Waaaahhhhhlberg
- Purple Giants Guy
- The Purple Move
- Supreme Leader Snoke
- Paul Blart: Wal Cop
- The Purple Button
- The Purple Poison
- Mr. Purple Action
- Purple Stuff
- Mr. Purple Scent
- The Guy That Borrowed Your Calculator
- The Purple Box
- Wank-uigi
- Mr. Purple Worm
- Purple piper
- Wahziz Wahnsari
- Mr. Purple Force
- Springfield Fats
- The Purple Shop
- The Purple Lamp
- The Purple Air
- Sign of a Failing Marriage
- The Debonair Aubergine
- Purple Ocean Guy
- Mr. Worldwaaaaaade
- The Nickname That Nobody Will Read
- His Infernal Majesty
- Mr. Purple Pest
- Mr. Purple Men
- Mr. Steal Your Identity
- Waluigi: SVU
- Mr. Purple Face
- The Purple Nose
- The Prime Suspect
- The Purple Coal
- The Purple Trousers
- The Last Of The Wahicans
- The Lavender Lover
- Mr. Purple Bulb
- 404 Error
- Pulchy
- Wahtergate
- Donkeynips
- The End Of Evangelion Personified
- Purple Smoke Guy
- Woke Luigi
- OlympiWAAAAH, Washington
- The Purple Voyage
- The Purple Eye
- The Purple Mice
- Mr. Purple Bite
- Waluwhy On Earth Would We Tweet That
- Lil WAHty
- Purple Sign Guy
- Purple Health Guy
- Bris Bandit
- Paul McFartney
- Spider-Man But Just the Web Fluid
- Purple Vase Guy
- The L that doesn’t die.
- Frame-Perfect Fuckface
- Mick Dragger
- Mr. Purple Impulse
- Ass that wont quit
- The Purple Shoe
- Wade in the Waaah-ter
- Waluigeez Nuts
- Mr. Purple Meat
- The Purple Boot
- Owen Wilson
- Mr. Purple Ducks
- The Chosen Waaaaaaaaa
- Mr. Purple Sisters
- Mr. 500 Feet or More From a School
- Mr. Purple Dolls
- The Purple Word
- Suge Knight
- Daddy
- The Purple Bait
- The Tucson Tickler
- The Purple Ranger
- Val Venus
- The Purple Field
- Cactus jack/dude love/mankind
- The Purple Snails
- Waluigi-senpai
- Mr. Purple Seed
- The Purple Insect
- Purple Pain
- Mr. Purple Humor
- Mr. Purple Coat
- LuWaLuigi
- Mr. Purple Finger
- Mr. Purple Pies
- Walmart Luigi
- Purple Bed Guy
- Wahter Wahite
- The Purple Girls
- 28th President of The United States Wahh-drow Waah-son
- Kaiser Soze
- Wladimir Wutin
- The Valtrex Abyss
- Mr. Purple Monkey
- The Military Industrial Wah-plex
- The Purple Loaf
- Dinky Kong
- The Fourth You’re Looking For
- Mr. Purple Motion
- Purple Wool Guy
- The Purple Carpenter
- Mr. Purple Icicle
- Waluwiener
- Acid Burn
- Purple People Leader
- The Purple Cable
- Hot Dogs Are Sandwiches
- Mr. Purple Space
- Joseph And The Amazing Purple-color Dreamboat
- Purple Pussy Punisher
- Cumplestilskin
- Babe Vigoda
- A goddamn hero and role model
- Captain Falcum
- Jared Kushner’s Real Dad
- Uatu The Wah-er
- The Last White Rhino
- father
- Dr. Pimple Popper
- The Magnificent Waz
- Purple Ice Guy
- Mr. Purple Battle
- A Pun Based on the Name “Luigi” and the Japanese Word “Warui”
- Lanky Kong Gone Wrong
- Maximum Sentence
- Mr. Purple Shake
- The Purple Pigs
- Purple Bath Guy
- The Purple Nerve
- Purple Mask Guy
- Mr. Purple Snakes
- The Purple Sofa
- Villian From Strawberry Shortcake
- Mr. Purple Degree
- Mr. Purple Birthday
- The Purple Wish
- Jon Arbuckle
- The Purple Control
- Waaaahking Dead Panel Moderator
- Mr. February
- The Purple Porterhouse
- The Purple Knot
- Mr. Purple Property
- The Purple Library
- Methspacito
- Mr. Purple Carriage
- Mr. Purple Waste
- The Purple Earthquake
- Updawg
- Smooth by Santana Ft. Rob WAHmas
- The Wolf Of Wah Street
- That Grey Poupon
- The Purple Airplane
- Waluig E.
- The Purple Ladybug
- The Alpha and the Omegwaaaaaaaaaaa
- The Purple Ground
- Mr. Purple Letter
- Joshualltheotherletters
- Sleazy-E
- The Great White Whaaaaaaaaa
- Mr. Purple Chicken
- Mr. Purple Decision
- The Purple Achiever
- Matt Saincome
- Tubthumper
- Big Purp
- Mr. Purple Theory
- WaluWilly Wonka
- Kyle Kicame
- Greg Smith
- The Purple Mile
- Short Dick Dastardly
- Mr. Purple Hole
- Deep Throat
- The Purple Club
- The Purple Education
- Purple Picture Guy
- Nintendo Count Olaf
- Thinos
- WaluiG-Unit
- Mr. Purple Popcorn
- Zelda
- The Purple Vessel
- Jewish God
- El Morado Picaro
- Wah-Kanda
- The Purple Plate
- The Purple Account
- Clown Prince of Slime
- Mr. Purple Top
- The mastermind behind the photo of a dog dressed as two dogs carrying a present.
Please stop liking the tweet now.