baseball, dad, mlb, overbearing, sports, the showSAN DIEGO — San Diego Studio announced today that MLB: The Show 21 will allow players to fully customize a belligerent father living vicariously through their digital ballplayer avatars.
“We want to really immerse the players in the game, while still giving them options to encourage unique, personalized experiences,” said lead designer Jack Trusler, describing how players will be able to adjust their virtual father’s physique with a slider ranging from Husky to Very Husky. “Of course, we know that dedicated gamers will want to tweak the finer details, which is why you can also choose what soda can your father pours his liquor into, or even what baseball movie he shouts quotes from while you’re at bat.”
Anna Luepke, an avid fan of both baseball and overbearing fathers, says that she’s excited to experience the freedom of this new system and even knows what route she will choose for her fictional father already.
“I’m so looking forward to building an in-game dad who really thinks his glory days are behind him,” Luepke explained. “My dad’s backstory is gonna be that he started pushing me to become the best after his virtual DUI. I’m sure his constant abuse of personal boundaries will help my character easily power through the Spring Training level. There’s even a rumor online that there will be a secret unlockable cutscene where your dad fights another dad at one of your college games!”
Trusler concluded the announcement of the dad customization system by teasing the more emotional elements to be revealed, such as a heart wrenching 3-hour interactive cutscene where your character lectures his father about why he has to stop telling people he’s your manager.