Categories: OpinionVideo Games

I Am Boycotting Pokémon Sword and Shield Unless It Includes These 1,144 British Themed Pokémon

Pokémon Sword and Shield come out tomorrow and I am absolutely furious that there are only 400 Pokémon for me to catch and train. And no, I don’t give a shit about those old boring-ass Pokémon from the old games.

When I say I want 1,000 Pokémon in the new game, I mean I want one fucking thousand brand spanking new British-themed Galarian littler monsters. And if Game Freak can’t get that to me? Well then I guess they really did lie.

Just to prove how easy it is to come up with 1,000+ perfect British-themed Pokémon, here’s some I came up with just off the top of my head:

  1. Horridteth
  2. Wellisayeon
  3. Bubblensqueak
  4. Fannyminge
  5. Gerbvais
  6. Bumbershoot
  7. Oyluv
  8. Bobsyer
  9. Unkill
  10. Scrummy
  11. Michael Caine
  12. Buggah
  13. Wuzzat
  14. Chisps
  15. Pip-piplup
  16. Sodoff
  17. Uwot
  18. Bandersnatch
  19. Cockup
  20. Pippip
  21. Cheerio
  22. Pubb
  23. Publican
  24. Knobknob
  25. Krumpit
  26. Guvnon
  27. Bloodiell
  28. Guvnonks
  29. Beensuntost
  30. Arrypott’a
  31. Gadzooks
  32. Blyemay
  33. Pokémony McPokemonface
  34. Shitedon
  35. Lobsterbakk
  36. Doctor Hoot
  37. Coknee
  38. Crispsnotchips
  39. BoJo
  40. Teaveon
  41. Chipsnotfries
  42. Snog
  43. Cocknee
  44. Crumpyrump
  45. Bulloxed
  46. Fancy
  47. Rumpypumpy
  48. Pissoff
  49. Torriegon
  50. Fistycuf
  51. Voltorb But He’s a Football
  52. Beensntoste
  53. Tosser
  54. Bollocksagor
  55. Beesnhoney
  56. Redcote
  57. Yeahbaby Shaggadellic
  58. Teetime
  59. Woofster and Sneeves
  60. Knifecrime
  61. Fiver
  62. Loicense
  63. Parlimance
  64. Expaticate
  65. James Pond
  66. Coloknee
  67. The Queen’s Corgi
  68. Cops without guns
  69. Kwid
  70. The King’s Corgi
  71. Jogon
  72. Leftsideroad
  73. Bruvbruv
  74. Aroightnah
  75. Rundabout
  76. Twat
  77. Brexitchu
  78. Togepissoff
  79. Obeehayve
  80. Stagdo
  81. Treesamay
  82. Anglitoucan
  83. Gandolfledore
  84. Tikkamasala
  85. What’s All This Then
  86. Gin
  87. Bangupjob
  88. Bangers
  89. Tonic
  90. Bangernmash
  91. NotNorthernIreland
  92. Kipper
  93. Awritemate
  94. Pennyfarthing
  95. Gorm
  96. Hugh
  97. Brexeggutor
  98. Pudding
  99. Hedgesnog
  100. Hughtwo
  101. MeatPudding
  102. BloodPudding
  103. Bludywanker
  104. Snogsuruncle
  105. Bipptyboppity
  106. Faragicus
  107. Bobsyouruncle
  108. Righttwato
  109. The Bleatles
  110. Metrisystem
  111. Timeywimey
  112. Fleabag
  113. Peakyblinders
  114. Farfetch’d
  115. Foreskiny
  116. Shakespierce
  117. Snourlax
  118. Orignaloffish
  119. Telyborg
  120. Arse
  121. Shite
  122. Bitsnbnobs
  123. Keepclam
  124. Cownton Abbey
  125. Carrion
  126. Bell End
  127. Supercalifragilisticexpialisquirtle
  128. Wankersaur
  129. Monarchish
  130. Welshator
  131. Oywhatsthisthen
  132. Takapiss
  133. Gobsmack
  134. Inthedrink
  135. Tonyblair
  136. Jigglypoof
  137. Whinger
  138. Fannysyouraunt
  139. Uwotm8
  140. Shagzor
  141. Pissonthatcher
  142. Nidoqueen Elizabeth
  143. Floomsby
  144. Innit
  145. Chippinfish
  146. Sevenbong
  147. IRA
  148. Paul McCartney
  149. Liam Gallaghasaurus
  150. The 4 Beatles
  151. Hitmonchav
  152. Puppa
  153. Paparazzi That Killed Princess Diana
  154. Dubbledecka
  155. Lumpykins
  156. Mindthegap
  157. Gov’ner
  158. Avvinalaff
  159. Snugglepumps
  160. Globbernaught
  161. Ello-Yewchube
  162. Yurmum
  163. Bean
  164. Tube
  165. Koknay
  166. Clabberdrought
  167. Corb
  168. Neil Gaiman
  169. Limey
  170. Yabbersnaw
  171. Terrible Candy
  172. Keepcalm
  173. Roightroight
  174. Dukel
  175. Livercruel
  176. Hagpie
  177. Monty Nohtyp
  178. Ickygermvais
  179. Unuvafing
  180. Gilliamas
  181. Chiijohn
  182. Dodi Al Flyed
  183. Liverpoodle
  184. Chimchimmerie
  185. Monty Ekans
  186. Dirty Protestant
  187. Alan Moores Beard
  188. Pstew
  189. Jaggernaut
  190. Cuntytwat
  191. Troubles
  192. Pigsear
  193. Iron Lady (shiny version is rusted)
  194. Cuppateeth
  195. Olyell
  196. Queue Bone
  197. Weepint
  198. B-b-b-bennyandthejets
  199. Gromita
  200. The Dread Pirate Raichu
  201. Transphobat
  202. Crumpetea
  203. Pokeman Who Shall Not Be Named
  204. Trapcentimeter
  205. Sebemquid
  206. Klunge
  207. Schillingter
  208. Remainer
  209. Wellington III
  210. Cuppa Beans
  211. Packet O’ Crisps
  212. Guinnesspig
  213. Plaguerat
  214. Pinkys Up
  215. Big’un
  216. Haggis
  217. Carnabee Squeaks
  218. Spototea
  219. Lola L-O-L-A Lola
  220. BBCfoam
  221. Deadparrotsketch
  222. Radiohead
  223. Chuffing
  224. Dianacrash
  225. OfficeYuKaysBetter
  226. Dental Plan
  227. Oycunt
  228. The Black Mirror Episode Where He Fucks A Pig-asour
  229. Judaspriest
  230. ColdPlay
  231. Idrisaur
  232. Wailorry
  233. Spotobother
  235. Jameselbond
  236. Tadris
  237. Jagyuar
  238. Hambuie
  239. Grommitt
  240. Hitmonliam
  241. Aluminiun
  242. Pint with me mates
  243. R.R. Togepi
  244. ‘Elllo ‘Ello
  245. Takingthepiss
  246. Help Me I’m In A British Pokemon Game
  247. Fullenglish
  248. Gnobsucka
  249. Wongledoo
  250. Avinalaff
  251. Egg
  252. Yallroightbruv
  253. Duke Victreebel The XIV Of Southhamptonshireton
  254. British Pikachu
  255. Crumblebee
  256. fookinmental
  257. Pimbidybum
  258. Skarmoury
  259. Tophat
  260. Serafinowicz
  261. ilwrekyu
  262. Poshom
  263. MissingNay
  264. Chimneysweep
  265. yagit
  266. Churchquill
  267. Aveapint
  268. Powderwig
  269. Aye
  270. Ayyye
  271. Dirtyorphan
  272. Ayyyyyye
  273. Charmingorphan
  274. Jynx But It’s OK Because It’s Part of Our Rich Culture
  275. Wot
  276. Wotmate
  277. Elizabeef
  278. Newsies
  279. Pip
  280. Rugbeedrill
  281. Jigglypuff
  282. Mew II
  283. Orfun
  284. Rightgit
  285. Mangetonne
  286. Summore
  287. Mewtwou
  288. Walesmer
  289. Blimey
  290. All of the Chinpokomon from South Park, except it’s South Park, Fulham
  291. Mew 5
  292. Colonialism
  293. Limeysaur
  294. Uncircumciseo
  295. Oiluvatwist
  296. Hbomb
  297. Eybruv
  298. HitmonSarahManning
  299. Guy Ritchazard
  300. Blighter
  301. Captain Price
  302. King Krule
  303. Sexpistol
  304. Coloniowl
  305. Blagger
  306. Shakesbeer
  307. Artful Dodger
  308. Crumpetzoid
  309. Lassquatch
  310. Gilbertnsullivan
  311. Fockin’ell
  312. Nidouran
  313. Toidongrass
  314. Nidourina
  315. Bestatimes
  316. Snibblywobs
  317. Worstatimes
  318. Waluigi
  319. Freddy Mercurion
  320. King George III
  321. Wobblyscogs
  322. Bulbaspice
  323. Wibblydon
  324. Whitechapel
  325. Boris Johnson
  326. Itisinnit
  327. EwellBeBack
  328. Chimneysweepa
  329. Charmanchester
  330. Eastendasaur
  331. SloMate
  332. Tumnus
  333. Princess Jynx
  334. Bigiben
  335. Austeromon
  336. Wotwot
  337. Peggasus
  338. Grondiddleon
  339. Beefeater
  340. Drifdirigible
  341. A Welsh Man
  342. Wotwotwot
  343. Bilbo Brexit
  344. Sheepfucka
  345. Snorlax but with a U after the O
  346. Team Rodgering
  347. Bagpipes
  348. Shakespear
  349. Chumbawumba
  350. Sixthdoctor
  351. Pikachu Upon Thames
  352. Hitmonlennon
  353. Bloodyyanks
  354. SteveIgnorantmon
  355. HitmonMcCartney
  356. Blairite
  357. PennyRimbaudOSaur
  358. Ohboris
  359. Irnbru
  360. Sentient Pound Symbol
  361. Meowthames
  362. Lockstock
  363. Roit roit roit
  364. Crikey Claws
  365. Ozzy
  366. Octothorpe
  367. Paul Machamptny
  368. Fleabagmon
  369. 2ndwave
  370. Jeeves
  371. Pissy
  372. Beastenders
  373. The Sex Pistols
  374. Godsavethequeendra
  375. Swineytodd
  376. Sir Jigglypuff
  377. Kanterbree
  378. Guyfawkes
  379. Wesminstah
  380. Anghenfill
  381. Morrissey
  382. Excalibur
  383. Bruff
  384. Quagsire
  385. Shurrrlock
  386. Helen from Watch_Dogs: Legion
  387. Carpark
  388. 93/4
  389. Megan Magikarple
  390. Danger Mouse
  391. Acab
  392. A Bobbie Constantly Saying “Ello, Wots All This Then?”
  393. Missing Nob
  394. We let Prince Harry name this next one and apparently he’s gone with Archie
  395. Wonderwall
  396. Mr Mime
  397. The Great British Bagon Off
  398. Faboon
  399. Ukip
  400. Snorpax Britannica
  401. Bercowzar
  402. Duke Mime
  403. Falstagg
  404. The dog from the cover of Blur’s parklife
  405. Codpiecachu
  406. Just Bellsprout
  407. Manners
  408. fucking LEMMY
  409. Cockneevee
  410. Boudica
  411. Leftsidedrivurr
  412. Australia
  413. Longbowmen
  414. Pramalot
  415. We, Nintendo, Aren’t Really Sure About This One But We Guess It’s Part of The Culture of This Region So Here Goes Nothing: Cunt
  416. SolarJetmarn
  417. Totalbiscuit
  418. Falklands
  419. Mike Myers Doing A Scottish Accent
  420. K. Chesterhen
  421. Shrubbery
  422. Knackered
  423. Doohan
  424. Literally Chaucer
  425. Welsh Bulbasaur
  426. Geomate
  427. Uppalip
  428. Legally Distinct Pooh
  429. Canterbury Tails
  430. Havinashag
  431. Loyalst
  432. Willypuss
  433. Hyacinth
  434. Scotland Yardizard
  435. Takinthapiss
  436. ..mon
  437. Englishbreakfaast
  438. Afourpaper
  439. Boringsex
  440. Welsh Charizard
  441. Fawltytowurr
  442. Charlie, the one who bit the finger
  443. TheEnglishPatient
  444. That Guy Brad Pitt Played In Snatch.
  445. All of Trainspotting
  446. MaryBerry
  447. Tee
  448. TinyChurch
  449. This One Punched Gandhi In The Dick Once
  450. Poregon007
  451. Mewtwo But He Says Blimey A Bunch
  452. Newsboycapp
  453. Sir Charles Lickitungs
  454. Jack Sparrow
  455. A football hooligan club except its one Pokémon that looks vaguely like a pack of raccoons
  456. A Four Day Old Haggis
  457. Dirty But Charming Orphan
  458. CCTVee
  459. The Full Pokemonty
  460. Wooloo
  461. V For Victorybel
  462. Muttonchop
  463. Sexy Wooloo
  464. 42
  465. Oliver Twista
  466. Muttenchoke
  467. Brexeotto
  468. Muttenchamp
  469. Mime but he’s scared of refugees
  470. Fahthing
  471. Sir Ash Ketchum
  472. ‘Ey Mista Mim!
  473. Labourtar
  474. Sporteon
  475. Count Psyduckula
  476. Tentachuffed
  477. Posheon
  478. S. Lewizard
  479. Babyon
  480. Scrumpette
  481. Oy Blimey Guvnah Have A Trifle-monlee
  482. Oy
  483. Scaryon
  484. Gingereon
  485. Bim – Bimber – Bimsy
  486. Isnuffn
  487. Boris Johnson’s Hair
  488. Toriesmon
  489. Ringo
  490. Team Rawkit Innit
  491. Bulbasaurgon of Akkad
  492. Nigel Farage
  493. Monocool
  494. Cheekinandos
  495. Spotted Wobbuffet
  496. Ket
  497. Bellend
  498. Koloneeyalist
  499. Carpool Karaoke
  500. Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Hooligans
  501. Chumbawumbat
  502. Squirtle But Wearing One Of Those Beefeater Hats
  503. MattSmithington
  504. Wobbuffets Your Uncle
  505. Aurorausterity
  506. Mr Bean
  507. Lorry
  508. Squixpence
  509. Rosemary & Thyme
  510. S’Quidd
  511. Radcliff
  512. KingsPeach
  513. Dentallplann
  514. Bartlebee
  515. Zulululu
  516. Buckinghamlet
  517. RobertSmith
  518. Pippa
  519. Tendowning
  520. austerity
  521. Petedoherty
  522. Bolerhat
  523. Edgar Wraith
  524. Rat
  525. Shagonair
  526. Loch Ness Lapras
  527. Footie
  528. Sir Arthur Toucannon Doyle
  529. pissoffyawanka
  530. Stodgyfigswollop
  531. Jeremy Corvid
  532. Whatsthestorymorningglory
  533. Platformnighnnthreakawrters
  534. Jondonne
  535. Weepinbellend
  536. Hotfuzz
  537. Flatmate
  538. Cornbynite
  539. Jigglycocker
  540. Parklife
  541. Hobbits or some shite
  542. Jumpa
  543. IzzardLizzard
  544. Knickas
  545. Pikkadilly
  546. Tossah
  547. Bangersnmash
  548. Robrydon
  549. Zedbat
  550. Mudkip, Bloodly Mudkip
  551. YaKnob
  552. Ayoade
  553. Londonphan
  554. Pakkie
  555. Chunnel
  556. Houndoomofbaskervillesmon
  557. Oi!
  558. Nidoqueen Elizabeth II
  559. Page 3 Jynx
  560. Joestrummer
  561. Ggm8
  562. Hawkwind
  563. Bloodyhayle
  564. Chiers
  565. Mayden
  566. Marmite Primeape
  567. Christopherly
  568. Unannounced Sacha Baron Cohen Character
  569. Fukdeoirish
  570. Cslewis
  571. Imperialdum
  572. Fawlty Tornadus
  573. Handegg
  574. Dunlikspam
  575. Indipindince
  576. Ye Olde Tavern
  577. Kewing
  578. Indipindunce
  579. Yurroh
  580. Undiepundance
  581. Astonmartin
  582. Irish Famine Enabler
  583. Yoo-Kay
  584. Witchellmebb
  585. ‘alfpence
  586. Sunneversets
  587. Krumpets
  588. Onepoundthreepence
  589. Shilling
  590. Misterbean
  591. You’llNeverWalkAlone
  592. Zigglyzat
  593. Stratford-upon-Abra
  594. Magnemarmite
  595. Poleestate
  596. Oshawottwottwott
  597. PaleFace
  598. BigBen
  599. NidoPM
  600. Hodggg
  601. CheekyBastard
  602. Brexito
  603. Vodafone
  604. Dumplundump
  605. Birdmingham
  606. Electa-labour
  607. Taurdos
  608. Sillywalk
  609. ProperFitBird
  610. Corbinite
  611. Just Growlithe
  612. Gyaradieu
  613. Abfab
  614. Torygon
  615. Margaret CatcHer
  616. MilkyPouch
  617. Phytonite
  618. BennyDrill
  619. Leftenant
  620. MontyPyhtony
  621. Gooner
  622. Beatle
  623. Prin
  624. Cessdi
  625. LibDemiGod
  626. Hitmontop’o’th’mornintoya’
  627. Loo
  628. gaiman
  629. Chips
  630. Hydrocloset
  631. Eyearay
  632. Whoasis
  633. Babelfish
  634. Moorish
  635. GlaxoSmithKline
  636. Rogguncontrola
  637. Fried Goldbat
  638. Supahans
  639. Thamyork
  640. Bullocks
  641. Hou-ouh
  642. PiersMorganite
  643. Oddish
  644. Picadillydilly
  645. JenniferSaundersShrew
  646. Churmander
  647. Leeeds
  648. Blurd
  649. Holidae
  650. Churmeleon
  651. Churzard
  652. Colonioioio
  653. Oidenwhot
  654. Colinizorino
  655. Slowduke
  656. Bugger
  657. Lahgahbear
  658. Tangelalandsbury
  659. Prince of Whales
  660. Lundun-Acksennt
  661. Dregonoit
  662. Gandalf
  663. Drunk Machop
  664. Beebeebcee
  665. Paulkia McCartney
  666. Fairplay
  667. Othellomanyte
  668. Beebeebceetwo
  669. Beebeebceethree
  670. Sweeny Toad
  671. Roight-chu
  672. Eye TV
  673. Daysbeforemonths
  674. Panel Show
  675. Godllub
  676. Geobruv
  677. Lad
  678. Liftrit
  679. Madlad
  680. Bludjin
  681. Ill
  682. Whoopsiedoodle
  683. Guzzford Park
  684. Doctor Whooper
  685. Konquererr
  686. Ello’ dactyl
  687. Fixup
  688. Looksharp
  689. Unknown But It’s The Sex Pistols Font
  690. Quely
  691. Ukie
  692. Pichu Townshend
  693. Carryon
  694. Dalou
  695. Anorak
  696. Onabout
  697. Crumply
  698. A picture of a crumpet
  699. Undergrawnd
  700. Joveasaur
  701. Cheekanando
  702. Fauklandimond
  703. MyFairLadybug
  704. Me’Knickers
  705. Rightsaidfred
  706. Heathro
  707. Crabbey Road
  708. Londonkoffing
  709. Chumbawamba
  710. Durandurant
  711. ArcticMonkey
  712. Clunger
  713. Gorbloimey
  714. WestEndGirls
  715. Tubthumper
  716. Niall Horan
  717. Union Jynx
  718. OyYouGuv
  719. Doddlefairy
  720. Tonibler
  721. Unintelligible
  722. Bobbee
  723. Bazel Fawltysaur
  724. Winkwink
  725. Mr Mime But From England
  726. Birchill
  727. NudgeNudge
  728. Saynomor
  729. Gengar Spice
  730. StiffUpper
  731. Conkers
  732. ThreeEpsPerSeason
  733. SimonGrowl
  734. Skiving
  735. ColonialBadBad
  736. GrahamChapmanticore
  737. Cheekyorita
  738. Cyndaquid
  739. Ledzeppelin
  740. Borat Saying “Marowak”
  741. Guvnuh
  742. Sawspound
  743. Tony Blairodactyl
  744. TienCrumpettes
  745. Anglosaxoferaligatir
  746. Princess Diancie
  747. Troubbles
  748. Shagadelic
  749. Fawlty
  750. WeeBit
  751. Steempunk
  752. Poundo>Euroho
  753. Sectioning
  754. Krabsolutely Krabulous
  755. Quantocking
  756. Parliamantis
  757. Shurlocke
  758. Brexit
  759. Austinpowers
  760. Me misses as’ been droivin’ me op da fookin wall she is – ikichu
  761. ExpensiveCoke
  762. Nhsssss
  763. Unionjack
  764. Wales
  765. Andycapp
  766. Faragigator
  767. ElloEllo
  768. Chipshop
  769. PinkyPanth
  770. Eddie from Iron Maiden
  771. Double Decker Charizard
  772. TinnyOfBecks
  773. Interail
  774. Grabbapint
  775. Kilometero
  776. Jason Statham
  777. Metricis
  778. Elekid but the plug on his head fits British wall sockets
  779. Oioioi
  780. Cheerioto
  781. Goku
  782. Feckin
  783. Mewthree
  784. Telly
  785. AliGee
  786. Pikachu (but say it like a question)
  787. An American Pokémon Doing A British Accent
  788. Pika-EU
  789. Referendoom
  790. University Challengor
  791. Toob
  792. Monocruel
  793. Onyx (U.K. Version)
  794. PikachukkaUmanna
  795. Meouwtwou
  796. Britmonlee
  797. The Beatle
  798. Roman Reigns
  799. Billybragg
  800. Squid Vicious
  801. Mightyboosh
  802. Stonehenge
  803. Modestprop
  804. Veruca Assault
  805. Just a Mop
  806. Berry Mary
  807. Gastlyweather
  808. Dumbledalf
  809. Neeps
  810. Full English Rappidash
  811. Hootligan
  812. Keepkalm
  813. Gentlemon
  814. Uglymonkay
  815. Cadbury
  816. LegzAkimbo
  817. Dizzee Rascal
  818. Ghastly
  819. Killyourparentsdude
  820. Meatpiepie
  821. Pokemon That You’ll Learn Is Gay Many Years After Release
  822. ReesMoggwart
  823. Dumbledour
  824. Blackentan
  825. Haggish
  826. Chapazard
  827. Oifuckthathurt
  828. Doggovna
  829. Scunthorpe
  830. Ooligan
  831. Cheekygnandos
  832. Morrisey
  833. Mushy Peacock
  834. Noah the Little Orphan Boy
  835. Manyoo
  836. Dublink
  837. The Queen’s Growlithe
  838. New England Patriot
  839. DowntonKrabby
  840. Upperlip
  841. Psymonkowl
  842. Vvevv
  843. Paddington Bewear
  844. Clampdowning
  845. ALF
  846. Megmarkle
  847. Urmaj
  848. Frostpegg
  849. Worcester
  850. Bigger Ben
  851. Scrafty but voiced by Jason Statham
  852. Brexish
  853. Ringoostor
  854. Nickerbee
  855. Dundun Eye
  856. Jonolliver
  857. Torypar
  858. K. Rowlet
  859. Just A Dapper Bidoof
  860. Corbyn
  861. Christopher Leecula
  862. Murkin
  863. Northerner
  864. Oldgregg
  865. Hooligan
  866. Clippidyclop
  867. Porygon Zed
  868. CheekyMunky
  869. Mustard
  870. Ludwigvan
  871. Wanker
  872. Jonwossy
  873. gloucestershirehapmton
  874. Buggeroff
  875. Tolkienwulf
  876. Snogfest
  877. Desgustang
  878. Sir Lapraslot
  879. Bigusbenny
  880. Wotm8
  881. Droog
  882. Yoowott
  883. Ladlads
  884. Glououm
  885. Piss
  886. Qwoppie
  887. Cromwell
  888. Gowonthenn
  889. Queue-Bert
  890. Uncle Bobber
  891. Machoppe
  892. HerMajestysGirth
  893. Ramsayraw
  894. Footee
  895. Nick Crompton
  896. Brutal Imperialismachu
  897. Guvna
  898. Michael Bussler
  899. Wailord Churchill
  900. Loudredcoat
  901. Goldeen and Chips
  902. Mudkips and chip
  903. Trubbish Thames
  904. Shag Bonker
  905. Bedwettereeno
  906. Nohtyp Ytnom
  907. YeahBaby
  908. BinMonster
  909. James Bonsly
  910. Annboleyn
  911. Poppycox
  912. Anglicanner
  913. Trainspotty
  914. FuckUp
  915. Aldous Huxley
  916. Zaphod Beeblebrox
  917. Justmahbooooooow
  918. Begbie
  919. Roariarty
  920. 00Bondo
  921. Sherlocki
  922. Missingno10
  923. Doctorhoot
  924. Theresa Marill
  925. livedehT
  926. 00Missingno
  927. Cornelivious
  928. Trill Conway
  929. Mate, You ad to fukkin much to drank. Right?
  930. Sherlock Ho-ohmes
  931. Gareth
  932. swearonmemum
  933. Blackadder
  934. Edison
  935. Lord Danny Wells
  936. Tube Lover
  937. Sundee
  938. Bluddysundee
  939. Eeyuu
  940. Mum Instead Of Mom
  941. Spotty Dick
  942. Trafowlgar
  943. Constable Pikachu
  944. Farange
  945. Milkshayk
  946. Keria Fightley
  947. Fishinchip
  948. KingBobby
  949. Pikadilly Circus
  950. Youbeeforty
  951. Chavette
  952. Steelix Dan
  953. Ahhfuckicantbelieveyouvedonethis
  954. Abbey Roadrunner
  955. Damehelen
  956. Oi
  957. Damejudi
  958. Damemaggie
  959. Burgbromp
  960. Beebeeseewun
  961. Beebeeseetoo
  962. Beebeeseethree
  963. Unownbomber
  964. IRAquaza
  965. Joliver
  966. Eddylizard
  967. Dethorkayk
  968. A literal cup of tea
  969. Igglypop
  970. Ausacommons
  971. Ausalords
  972. Oxfahd
  973. Murdoctillery
  974. Timcurry
  975. Ringo Staryu
  976. Hoolihooligan
  977. Bearpint
  978. chokkablok
  979. Bigbenigen
  980. Smiddicks
  981. Kween
  982. Doddle
  983. Dillydally
  984. Alyumineeum
  985. Jakrip
  986. Roodboi
  987. Sekspistowl
  988. Oliver Twist
  989. Rippah
  990. Tescos
  991. Chipsencrisps
  992. angus thongs and perfect sobble
  993. Joydifission
  994. Articunto
  995. Guv’nah
  996. Ceeuslewis
  997. Quackadder
  998. Apartiger
  999. Beetuls
  1000. A Sickly Little Chimneysweep
  1001. Bloody’ell
  1002. Poofter
  1003. Chestingtonshire
  1004. Cornetta
  1005. Brymley
  1006. Teatotally
  1007. Isaya
  1008. Cherria
  1009. CheekyCurry
  1010. Waitrose
  1011. Tesco
  1012. Primarnie
  1013. Shirelon
  1014. Tallyrascal
  1015. Noisingham
  1016. Edinburrow
  1017. Swinubroll
  1018. Beef Wellington
  1019. Granarangry
  1020. Huegrant
  1021. Bludpuddin
  1022. Pint
  1023. Blokemon
  1024. V
  1025. Manunite
  1026. Mancitee
  1027. Tourist
  1028. *Taurust
  1029. Trafalgarzard
  1030. Wiggly-Upon-Tuff
  1031. WotWot
  1032. Potterdon
  1033. JK Rowlet
  1034. The Weedles
  1035. UKIP
  1036. ButterBreexit
  1037. Bagpiper
  1038. Muggles
  1039. Rubbish
  1040. Arsenalsux
  1041. Yoowotmait
  1042. Mofarat
  1043. Churchillan
  1044. Count Dankula’s Pug
  1045. Winston Charizard
  1046. Arthur Collins-mon (does poison damage)
  1047. Meowthe
  1048. Abdikate
  1049. MaleAir
  1050. Waleslord
  1051. Sir Elton Porigon
  1052. Big Ben Is The Name Of The Victreebel
  1053. Hobbitses
  1054. Blandfoodity
  1055. Gollum
  1056. Spotted Dunk
  1057. Pissedmate
  1058. Ashens
  1059. Magma Carta
  1060. Sargon Ugh Ekad
  1061. Guy Ritchie
  1062. Austin Meowthers
  1063. Shakespeareon
  1064. Pegieighteen
  1065. Poundstone
  1066. Football
  1067. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
  1068. Jessie James Bond
  1069. FIFA
  1070. Sid Viscous
  1071. Ragtagtootles
  1072. Churchhowl
  1073. Dunnocknock
  1074. Gromit
  1075. Bee-Wellington
  1076. Magikarp-n-chips
  1077. Jick Therapier
  1078. Ejioforfetch’d
  1079. Grendel
  1080. Norf
  1081. Megadrivel
  1082. Crumpedon
  1083. Qualitea
  1084. Bubbasqueak
  1085. *Squirtle but in a Michael Caine voice*
  1086. Bangamash
  1087. Spiceless
  1088. Mewilliecham
  1089. Master Mime
  1090. Norfern
  1091. Little Ben
  1092. Medium Ben
  1093. Big Ben
  1094. Well bred lad of good stock
  1095. Darcy Mime
  1096. BulbaWindsor
  1097. Bulba- sore bout the footie, mate?
  1098. mUdKIP
  1099. Pikachou
  1100. Beckham
  1101. Roundabout
  1102. Ringocartney
  1103. Arrayef
  1104. Bangaran
  1105. Masharan
  1106. Haitchpee
  1107. Bubblansqueak
  1108. Monty Python
  1109. Biburysaur
  1110. Fishenchips
  1111. Bangers and Mash Ketchum
  1112. Chedworthtortle
  1113. Lord Voldemortle
  1114. Chris Morris
  1115. Magmarmelade
  1116. Quid
  1117. Arctic Mankey
  1118. Seal
  1119. StephenhawKing
  1120. K. Growleth
  1121. Yababeeya
  1122. Fogging
  1123. Downingcat
  1124. Darseadra
  1125. Gaimanblog
  1126. Cumberbitch
  1127. Hitmonleeds
  1128. Beebeecee
  1129. Manchester Uninetails
  1130. Exstacee
  1131. Ball Ox
  1132. Greyearl
  1133. Dags
  1134. Shagger Sheep
  1135. Mushypeasachu
  1136. Spotted Dick
  1137. Colonialachu
  1138. A Can of Heinz
  1139. Spottatee
  1140. Wheezley
  1141. Chavachu
  1142. AcidFace
  1143. Irish Independence
  1144. Nigel Thorneberry

So mark my words, Game Freak: I WILL NOT BUY THIS GAME UNLESS IT INCLUDES THESE POKÉMON. Or, at the very least, I’ll buy it used. Or I’ll wait a few days to send a message before I buy it new. But YOU GET THE POINT!!!

Check out the newest episode of the Hard Drive podcast where we watch and discuss every episode of 1989’s The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

Hard Drive Staff