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Failed Kickstarter Launches GoFundMe to Pay Angry Backers


KIRKLAND, Wash. — Don’t Stop Playing, the studio behind the highly anticipated platformer Fall of Autumn, have launched a GoFundMe in an attempt to compensate irate backers and continue development of their game after running out of their Kickstarter money.

“We’re just two guys who went to a video game university you find in the back of a Game Informer,” said co-founder Landon Schock in a response to a backer on Reddit. “How was I supposed to know that a fucking trade war with China was gonna happen and jack up the price of the rewards we hadn’t even designed yet? We just wanted to make a metroidvania ripoff. I didn’t ask for any of this! Just a cool $300,000.”

While pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into a project with nothing to show for it would be a major setback for some, the game’s GoFundMe has already hit $60,000 in donations after 24 hours.

“I never got my Fall of Autumn game, or my Fall of Autumn poster, or my Fall of Autumn backpack, but it really seems like they’re taking extra time and effort to polish this thing to perfection,” commented GoFundMe contributor LukeDaGamer36. “There’s just absolutely no way it’s all a big scam and they’re way out of their depth. You can’t fool Luke twice, lemme tell ya.” 

However, other backers have been less sympathetic to the studio’s delays.

“Really? I’ve been waiting over a year for my Fall of Autumn fidget spinner,” commented disgruntled backer Cressica Banks on the game’s Facebook page. “Those aren’t even a thing anymore!” 

“Yeah, I thought I was done with this shit after Mighty No. 9,” backer Patrick Stone added in a reply. “Oh well, at least I have Star Citizen to look forward to.”

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