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Character Capable of Breaking Fourth Wall Knows You’re Masturbating


dating, doki doki literature club, monika, visual novel

BEYOND REALITY — Close sources report that Monika, a character from the cult psychological horror game Doki Doki Literature Club! with the ability to break the fourth wall and converse with the person playing, is definitely aware of who is and isn’t masturbating to fan drawings of her in a bikini.

“I know your real name, I know my existence inside a video game, and I know how to alter the files of that video game. How did you think I wouldn’t know you’re masturbating to drawings of me on Tumblr?!” Monika reportedly said to multiple male fans of the beloved indie game. “I know I said that I love you, but Jesus, I didn’t think you would immediately alt-tab to DeviantArt and whip your dick out. Gross!”

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The source, who originally wished to remain anonymous, publicly announced herself as one of the members of the literature club, Sayori.

“Monika filled me in on the whole situation, but honestly I’m not sure I buy the story. We live in a horror video game? And people masturbate to that? Who would jerk off to horror?!” said Sayori when asked to comment. “According to Monika, I committed suicide earlier in the story. And people make gifs of me and my friends with our boobs shaking? That’s pretty fucked up. Plus, we’re in fucking high school. Who would do that?”

“Oh, wait did you say gamers?” she added. “OK that makes more sense.”

At press time, fans flocked to social media to discuss the new dialogue with Monika, calling it “brilliantly original,” “surreal but horrifying,” as well as “pretty hot.”

Article by Jeremy Kaplowitz @jeremysmiles

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