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Voltron Team Members Have Zoom Meeting


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PLANET ARUS — The five members of Voltron Force, the team that pilots the super robot known as Voltron, assembled remotely from their homes for the first time via Zoom conference today, sources familiar with the situation confirmed.

“Ready to form Voltron from home! Activate inter-locks! Dyna-therms connected! Webcam and microphone turned on!” exclaimed Black Lion pilot Keith, making various final adjustments to his workstation such as the angle of his external monitor and the positioning of his computer chair. “Infra-cells up! Mega-thrusters are go! Oh, hey Lance! I guess we’re just waiting on the others still, I’ll give them a few minutes.”

The unprecedented long-distance Voltron assembly reportedly continued for several minutes as the other pilots joined one by one. Sources say that Keith continued shouting the steps of the start-up sequence until he was interrupted by an uproar caused by the Green Lion pilot, Pidge, setting up an ironic Zoom background that made it appear as though he was actually floating through space like a typical mission instead of doing a video call in his home office.

“Go, Voltron Force! Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And I’ll form the head! Oh, if you guys could just mute yourselves, that would be great. I’m getting some feedback, not sure from who. Also, I don’t think I have a premium account for Zoom, so we might get kicked out after 40 minutes. Just a heads up in case that happens.”

At press time, sources say that the Voltron Force spent the last ten minutes of their meeting bringing their robot lions on camera to say hello to one another.

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