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Guy Stuck in Jumanji for 30 Years Just Wants to Consult Rulebook to See If That Was Supposed to Happen


board game, boardgame, jumanji, robin williams, zethura

JUMANJI — Board game enthusiast Jesse Harrington just wants to know if it says somewhere in the rules if he’s supposed to have been trapped inside the game Jumanji  for the last three decades, according to those familiar with the situation.

“Look, I understand that we’ve been playing this way for thirty years now, so I’m not suggesting we just undo it all,” Harrington said while being chased by a tiger. “I just think we should at least look at the rulebook just to see if it was supposed to happen. You know, for the next time we play, so that no one has to end up totally alone in this jungle for thirty years fighting for survival. It makes the game really unbalanced.”

Those who were playing with Harrington, however, are unwilling to change the rules to help his case.

“Jesse? He disappeared thirty years ago… I thought he just up and left or something, I never thought he could somehow be trapped in the world of the board game.. in Jumanji. Rules are rules, though,” said another player, Lyn Cook. “Personally, I stopped playing that game minutes after that bright light flashed and Jesse disappeared forever, but I think any board game should be played based on the rules. If you want to change it up for the next round, you have to make it explicitly clear before you start that you want to use a house rule.”

“Even if that house rule is ‘no one should be trapped in a fantasy jungle for the rest of their lives,” she added.

As of press time, those who started playing the game of Jumanji thirty years and are still unbeknowingly playing to this day agreed that Harrington was probably just pretending to be doing poorly so he could win at the last second.

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