
Ryan Reynolds Swears He Has No Memory of Holding Up Novelty T-Shirt in Facebook Ad

LOS ANGELES — Actor Ryan Renolds was reportedly worried about his mental health when he came across a photo of…

4 years ago

Group of Lifelong Friends Ruins Franchise by Adding Child Character

NEW YORK — A group of lifelong friends prepared to have their dynamic changed this week as the announcement was…

4 years ago

Dune Movie Delayed so Denis Villeneuve Can Finish Reading Book

LOS ANGELES — Sources have revealed that the most recent delay of the upcoming Dune adaptation was not related to…

4 years ago

Anonymous ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Contractor Reveals Intense Crunch Culture Made Him Say “Whoa”

LOS ANGELES — An anonymous whistleblower working on Cyberpunk 2077 with CD Projekt Red has revealed a pattern of intense…

4 years ago

Pirate Bay Salvages What It Can From Wreck of Quibi

LOS ANGELES — Members of The Pirate Bay took to the cyber seas to salvage the wreckage of disgraced short-form…

4 years ago

Guy Considering Making Dragon Ball Z His Whole Thing

FORT COLLINS, Colo. — A local guy looking to mix things up has reportedly considered making Dragon Ball Z like…

4 years ago

Writer Struck With Inspiration Furiously Writes Down ‘Superman But Evil’

ATLANTA — Writer James Mann was reportedly scribbling down ideas in a moleskine notebook after being suddenly struck with the…

4 years ago

Scientists Warn Die Hard Simpsons Fans Could Only Like One Season By 2024

AMSTERDAM — Leading climate scientists have made a startling announcement, alleging that passionate fan enthusiasm for The Simpsons could dwindle…

4 years ago

Kids With Two Living Parents Demand Representation in Disney Films

BURBANK, Cali. — A protest was held outside Disney headquarters earlier this week by the organization Kids of Two Loving…

4 years ago