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Dying Gamer Uses Last Breath to Recommend ‘Ghost of Tsushima’ If You Haven’t Played It


LANCASTER, Pa. — Recently deceased gamer Kyle Larson used his final words to recommend the PlayStation video game Ghost of Tsushima to anybody who hasn’t given it a shot yet.

“Kyle said he loved me, thanked me for giving meaning to his life, and then, as the light faded from his eyes, he told me Ghost of Tsushima was totally worth checking out sometime,” said Jessica Larson, his wife of 26 years. “I’ve heard a lot of people recommend that title, but this felt different. Something in his face told me he really enjoyed the game.”

In addition to the verbal message, Jessica also remembered feeling a spiritual connection with her husband near the end.

“I’m not a religious person, but I swear, I could hear his voice in my head,” said Jessica, speaking of the last few minutes she spent holding his hand. “He said, ‘Jess, my love, if you’ve been looking for an action-packed samurai game that rewards patience and exploration, look no further than Ghost of Tsushima.’ It’s something I’ll never forget.”

When reached for comment, Larson’s son only wished his father had more time on this Earth.

“If he’d lived longer, even just another minute, I think Dad would have wanted people to know about the mode where the game looks all trippy, like an old Japanese movie,” said his son Timmy, 23, who was present at his bedside. “Seems pretty dope.”

At press time, neither Jessica nor Timmy had followed the recommendation, claiming they didn’t have a PS5 and didn’t really feel like digging out the old PS4.