Nicky Martin

QUIZ: Can You Have Polite But Distant Conversation With Your Cousin Who Only Plays FIFA?

You’re standing alone at the family get together.  Your little cousin walks up to you and makes eye contact and……

6 years ago

Professional Streamer Thanks Fans For Slowly Ruining His Favorite Hobby

GRAYSLAKE, Ill. — At the end of a twelve hour stream last night, Manson Prate, known to his Twitch followers…

7 years ago

Cuphead’s ‘Hot Coffee’ Mod Lets You Fuck the Cups

REDMOND, Wash. — Microsoft apologized after fans discovered secret files that allows access to a hidden mode within Cuphead that…

7 years ago

Avoiding Controversy: Players in Madden 19 Do Not Have Knees

MAITLAND, Fl. — In a major change for the incredibly successful series, player avatars in Madden 19 will reportedly feature…

7 years ago