Nathan Lie

Netflix Adds ‘Skip to Intro’ Button for Live-Action Cowboy Bebop

LOS ANGELES — Ahead of the live-action adaptation of the popular anime Cowboy Bebop, Netflix announced that it will create…

2 years ago

Namco Confirms Pacman Is 50% Mouth and 50% Ass

TOKYO — After years of postulation, thousand-post message board threads, rampant fan theories, vague hints from game designers, and a…

3 years ago

Someone Called Me an Idiot Online: How Did They Know?

There I was, just sitting around minding my own business on a normal day like any other, when suddenly I…

3 years ago

Study: Being Kind to NPCs In-Game Linked to Real-Life Kindness

BURLINGTON, Vt. — A recent University of Vermont study has found that being kind to non-playable characters in video games…

3 years ago