Jay Petrequin

Jay Petrequin

Woman Leaves ‘Second Life’ Husband After Finding out He’s Not Kermit the Frog Smoking a Blunt in Real LifeWoman Leaves ‘Second Life’ Husband After Finding out He’s Not Kermit the Frog Smoking a Blunt in Real Life

Woman Leaves ‘Second Life’ Husband After Finding out He’s Not Kermit the Frog Smoking Blunt in Real Life

BEND, Ore. — Melissa Davis ended her legally recognized two-year marriage through the game Second Life after meeting her husband…

7 years ago
Sonic the Hedgehog Visits Sick DeviantArt User for Make-A-Wish to Tell Him His OC is CanonSonic the Hedgehog Visits Sick DeviantArt User for Make-A-Wish to Tell Him His OC is Canon

Sonic the Hedgehog Visits Sick DeviantArt User for Make-A-Wish to Tell Him His OC is Canon

OSWEGO, N.Y. — Sonic the Hedgehog honored the Make-A-Wish request of 13-year-old DeviantArt regular Jake Applebaum, declaring his self-created character…

7 years ago