July 13, 2021 Failed Orgy Devolves Into Naked Couples Playing JackBox Failed Orgy Devolves Into Naked Couples Playing JackBox LOS ANGELES — An attempted sex party has gone completely off the rails after the three couples in attendance began their fifth game of Quiplash,…
October 3, 2019 Everyone in Joker Audience Waiting for Right Moment to Do Mass Shooting Everyone in Joker Audience Waiting for Right Moment to Do Mass Shooting BURBANK, Calif. — Every single member of the audience at the premiere screening of Joker at the AMC 16 last night was reportedly “poised and…
May 26, 2018 Teacher Unsure How to Write Up Student for Hentai Shirt Without Admitting He Knows What Hentai Is Teacher Unsure How to Write Up Student for Hentai Shirt Without Admitting He Knows What Hentai Is LANCASTER, Penn. — Manheim Township High School teacher David Siegel is reportedly not sure how to discipline Kyle Jackson, a student, over a series of…
January 5, 2018 Laid Off Bethesda Employee Cleans 70 Cheese Wheels Out of Desk Laid Off Bethesda Employee Cleans 70 Cheese Wheels Out of Desk ROCKVILLE, Md. — After being fired, Bethesda animator Jeff Callahan was seen packing a confusingly extensive assortment of useless objects into a bankers box as…